Deck Shell 2.0 Set - Chazpro and Santa Magic

Deck Shell 2.0 Set

Trick by Chazpro and Santa Magic
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Deck Shell 2.0 Set

49.95 usd

Trick by Chazpro and Santa Magic (From $39.96 - normally $49.95)

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The "Deck Shell" does for card magic what the coin shell did for coin magic. "Deck Shell 2.0" is a new and improved version of the concept first introduced by Chuck Leach (Chazpro).

"It inspires the imagination." Michael Ammar

"First time I've been fooled in years." Michael Close

"The Deck Shell 2.0" is one of the most unique card gaffs ever created. It allows you to switch decks without any detection, unlocking new possibilities for incredible feats of card magic that never felt possible. The best part is most of them are incredibly easy to do thanks to the gimmick. You'll receive printed instructions, as well as an instructional DVD teaching you a variety of effects you can do from close-up magic to stage magic.

Each "Deck Shell" is a metal shell with a real card box cover that matches poker-size Bicycle playing cards. It is available in red or blue.

Sample Effect: From a red deck, a card is selected and signed. It is then returned to the deck, which is placed back in its red box. You then bring out a blue card box, remove the blue deck and spread it. They'll be shocked when they see there is one red card among the blue bunch. It is, of course, their signed card. No sleight of hand required!

What's New With This Version

This new "The Deck Shell 2.0 Set" comes with a refined gimmick that works better than ever. It completely covers a standard Bicycle deck. You also get 7 different new deck stickers to make sure they match your other decks, as well as a complete printed instructional guide and accompanying DVD.

"That's Incredible!" Jon Racherbaumer

"Great idea!" John Cornelius

"Very clever. I see many applications." Stephen Minch

"A revolutionary accessory for card magic!" Aldo Colombini

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  • Steve asks: is there a dvd or manuscript that can be purchased on the Deck Shell? I have the older version Deck Shell. Thank you

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: Unfortunately the Download only comes with the product once purchased
  • Greg asks: Pros and cons over this vs using cold case which I use?

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: If you're happy with Cold Case, then you probably don't need this too! Up to you!
  • Chester asks: Which is better, Cold Case or Deck Shell 2.0?

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: Both have their uses. I think Cold Case is the best over all pick for tabled deck switches
  • Tim asks: Does one of the stickers match a phoenix deck? Thank you.

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: These just match the Bicycle Deck
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