Deep 3 - Bro Gilbert - Vanishing Inc. Magic shop

Deep 3

DVD & props by Bro Gilbert
35.00 Possibly discontinued.
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Deep 3

35.00 usd

DVD & props by Bro Gilbert (35.00)

Possibly discontinued.
Email me if it becomes available again.

You show off two exotic antique Jokers that you carry in your bicycle deck for good luck.

You then ask a special someone to take a walk down memory lane as they remember their very first kiss... and the name of the lucky person behind those lips. It could be any name... but let's say the name happens to be Bro Gilbert.

Now, with empty hands, you cleanly spread through the facedown bicycle deck, revealing the two lucky antique jokers from a moment ago. She removes the two jokers and discovers a bold black letter drawn on each of their backs... a B and a G. The initials of the first person she ever kissed!

And yes, just like deep astonishment, it works with any name.

It starts with a memory... and ends with a miracle.

Bro Gilbert has merged two classics of magic into one of the most ingenious decks of our time. Deep 3 is nearly self-working and exceptionally clean in handling. You can show the backs and faces of normal bicycle cards and your spectator removes the two lucky jokers herself.

With Deep 3 in your pocket, you'll be constantly set (and re-set) for an intimate miracle, or a showstopper for a formal performance.

Manufactured with a red bicycle deck, Deep 3 includes custom vintage "lucky lady jokers" with high-contrast backs so your hand-written letters show up clearly close-up or in front of larger groups. No other props or gimmicks are needed.

Bro Gilbert's Deep 3 is the easiest, most direct, most convenient evolution of the Paul Harris classic that you'll ever perform.


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