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Destination Zero

Book by John Bannon
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Destination Zero

55.00 usd

Book by John Bannon (55.00)

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We're huge John Bannon fans, and we're very excited about this "departure" from his normal format. This is a hardbound collection of 25 tricks that are COMPLETELY self-working. There are absolutely no moves in any of these effects, and yet they represent some of Bannon's most impactful work. Nearly all the effects are done with a borrowed, shuffled pack, and don't even require a finger break.

Fasten your seatbelt. You are travelling to a special province in the world of magic: Self-working card magic. Deceptive, automatic, and turbo-charged.

Join John Bannon on a twenty-five stop wide-ranging tour of self-working card magic. Not your typical non-sleight-of-hand tricks, Bannon has thoroughly analyzed these effects and backed up subtle principles with the careful, layered construction he is known for.

Anyone can cobble together a couple of principles and call it a “trick.” Bannon looks for synergies and leverages the method as much as possible. His objective: “One plus one should equal three—or more. Otherwise, why bother?”

You get the trick and you get Bannon talking about the trick, all in his precise, but easy-to-read style. The perfect travel companion on this exciting journey.

All with regular cards, without gaffs, crimps, pencil dots, “punches,” or marks. These highly-refined constructions will change the way you think about self-working card magic.

It’s not just the destination, it’s the journey. Enjoy the ride. Let's roll ...

Contents of Destination Zero by John Bannon

Bluff Oracle Aces I Free cut finds four Aces.
Bluff Oracle Aces II Performer cuts to an Ace; the Participant finds the other three.
Ulterior A card discovery and a secret cull.
Petal To: The Metal Participant divines the identity of a predicted card.
Four-Sided Gemini: Brand new Gemini Twins variation. Seriously.
Ban-nihilation: Cameron Francis’ “Annihilation Deck”—without the deck. On Sizzle DVD
Perennial: The Diary trick—without the Diary.
Prophet Motive: Participant shuffles and deals. The prediction cannot be explained.
The Thirty-Second Sense: Pocket change misses, then finds, the participant’s mental selection.
Mousetrap: Two Queens trap a mental selection.
Second Reckoning: Mental selection is mentally spelled to…and found.
Leverage: Performer predicts that participant will miss the target card and by exactly how much.
Tiny Contrary Killer: Participants select a card and think of one. Both have been predicted—sort of.
Perfect: Participant freely cuts, deals, and stops at a particular card. The performer has predicted it.
Cross Purposes: Mentally-selected card at a chosen number.
Sort Of Psychic: After a few warm-up exercises, the participant cuts to her genuinely thought-of card.
Origami Poker Revisited: Fast fold finds (Royal) flush. From High Caliber.
Box Of Doom: Einstein would not have stood a chance. On Fractalicious DVD
Free Willy: Participant shuffles, cuts, makes a few free choices. Esmeralda knows.
Matchismo: Performer and Participant each shuffles and cuts—and find matching cards. The three digit number has been predicted.
The Koko Test: After a short pop psychology test, the Participant has cut to a subliminally-selected card.
Nationwide: Four freely selected cards match the States of four US quarters—sort of.
AK-47: Any card is thought of. The performer commits to one card and removes it. Nailed it!
Depth Charge: Any card at any number—sort of.
Banco Bank Night Bonus: Over one million dollars at stake—really.

Customer reviews for Destination Zero



I've been waiting for this reprint (which itself is already a sign of quality)! John Bannon shows here that you should not overlook self-working card tricks. Even if you are not able to do nice moves or sleight of hand with cards you can still present amazing magic that looks like you are a real card shark.
By the way: most of these effects are also to be found on Bannon's Move Zero DVD/download collection. I had this collection but still wanted to have the book also.



This book just it just pure magic. The effects are pretty direct and gets great responses. I am a big John Bannon fan. The book is very entertaining and there are enough in here to cover a lot of territory. I have really enjoyed every page of this great hook. If you on the bench wanting to get it. Get it!



The book is very well written and entertaining to read. The effects are mostly of a mental flavor, and the mental effects are the strongest ones in the book. I would never Most of the tricks don't require a big setup, but some will require other ordinary items to do them. The best trick in the book is an effect called AK-47 where you tell a spectator what card they are thinking of. There is no force. The spectator can think of any card. Another great trick is Sort of Psychic, where a spectator cuts to the card that they are thinking of. The Jerx has some great modifications to these tricks which make them even better, and these articles are free on the blog.



What can I dream of say about this subject matter of the king of cards, John bannon card work is small but very deadly and the temple teaching with in the pages is top class for any one to understand it has theory and hidden history where each effect came about ! The effects are just right for this new generation within close up card work. 25 great range of effects that just rocks


Official review from MAGIC Magazine

From the April 2015 MAGIC Magazine. Reviewed by Peter Duffie

Destination Zero is a new hardbound collection of 25 self-working card tricks.
These effects are not mathematical monstrosities; rather, they are cleverly constructed card tricks that anyone can do. If you want to give your fingers a rest and add some self-working material to your repertoire, then John Bannon’s Destination Zero is a good place to start.


Community questions about Destination Zero

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  • Rick asks: If I already have the “Move Zero” series, do I pretty much already have almost everything from the book?

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: There is quite a lot of overlap, but also some things not on the DVDs.
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