Expert's Portfolio - Jack Carpenter - Vanishing Inc. Magic shop

Expert's Portfolio

Book by Jack Carpenter
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Expert's Portfolio

25.00 usd

Book by Jack Carpenter (25.00)

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The routines, sleights and stratagems found in this book will open eyes to what is really possible with a deck of cards.

The methods employed in the card magic as well as in the gambling routines are about as diabolical as you can get-while at the same time, remaining very practical since every routine can be performed while surrounded!

You will add many of these routines to your repertoire once you've experienced the impact of "A Devious Dance", "A Potent Presage" and "The D.C. Hustle," to name just a few!

"I read a lot of card books and I'm pretty critical on most. The main reason I plow through the depressing majority of them is the pleasure of an occasional find like this one. I've read many a heavy, slickly produced, high-priced and highly-hyped, full-color dust jacketed tome that didn't have a fraction of the solid card magic that Jack Carpenter provides in these pages... However good you think it's going to be, you 'll soon find it's even better." Darwin Ortiz

Pages 102, fully illustrated, soft cover coil bound


Customer reviews for Expert's Portfolio



I use "when the expert cuts to the aces" a lot. I am really into gambling moves and presentations so this portfolio has a lot to offer. A lot of good magic from Jack. Not everything is easy to perform but it definitely is worth the effort learning. Worth every penny.



I purchased this book over a decade ago. It has routines that are intermediate level but does include one self-working trick thats just plain strong. Probably worth the price by itself based on how i killed the lay audience with it back then. I save it for emergencies when someone gives me a deck.

The platform is table performance (not walk around or strolling friendly). There is a mix of magic and gambling but i tend to think of it’s core value for gambling theme performance. If u wanted to establish your reputation as a “real” gambling expert this is a fun book to get u started. It is intermediate and is accessible to the beginner willing to put the practice in. Once you graduate from this book you can reassess your seriousness in magic and look into professional routines that require more dedication.

This book includes routines for 3 card monte, ace cutting / card production, and riffle stacking.. basic not too involved. The patter and plots are the same as in other sources but not as technically demanding as those other sources require. This book is the right amount of practice-to-performance ratio that won’t demoralize or overwhelm you with so much information (i.e. “oh gosh more moves to practice”) or even references where u need to buy more books to understand the point. The book is self-contained. I take that back.. you will need to bring your own handling for false cuts and shuffles but otherwise this book can offer u great routines.

Jack Carpenter is like the middleman taking you on that journey to play with the pro. If you are a beginner looking for the next step to establish yourself as an expert you can start right here.



This book is flat out fantastic. You'll learn Jack's incredibly visual "Impulse" change, his nearly self working triple prediction "A Potent Presage" and several wonderful gambling based routines, with "Nine Angry" men being one of the most impressive (10 hands!) "hold 'em" demos you'll ever see.


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