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Book by Phil Goldstein
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Book by Phil Goldstein (29.95)

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When magicians ask us what book they should buy next, we rarely suggest the latest cool release. Instead, we try to tailor our suggestions to their interests. And, we suggest that anyone with a serious interest in card magic should check out Phil Goldstein's Focus.

Phil (also known as Max Maven) has published over 1,000 tricks in the past 45 years. Focus consists of just 60 of those tricks; but they're his favorites and most of them are very good. Phil's criteria for selecting these tricks were clarity of plot, entertainment value, and high magical content.

All of the tricks are packet tricks, but most tend to have a feel of something a little bigger. Most of them using standard packet trick methodology such as easy switches, false counts and false displays, which are all within the reach of any close-up magician.

We're pleased to recommend this book to you and think that you'll enjoy experimenting with every trick in the book.


Customer reviews for Focus



I'm 54 years old and have performed card magic thousands of times in my life. There are a handful I love to perform and often do, because they're fun and really amaze whoever I'm showing. 2 of those favorites come from this book, 'Relative Interchange' and 'Masque'.
Though there are countless packet magic tricks, these will feel new and fresh to you. There is a difference in these packet tricks by Phil Goldstein, mainly due to his very unique and genius mind. None of the magic in this book is self-working, all require a tad bit of handwork, but easy stuff such as biddle steals, Elmsley & Jordan counts, multiple turnovers, that level of stuff. By inducing simple sleights into his tricks, Phil has created some very stunning and visual packet show pieces. I could go on and on about this book but I'll stop here.
I will end by saying this is one of the best books you'll ever purchase and will beome one of your favorite books from that point on.


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