GT Speedreader Marked Deck (Standard Version)

GT Speedreader Marked Deck (Standard Version)

Deck of cards by Murphy's Magic Supplies Inc.
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GT Speedreader Marked Deck (Standard Version)

14.95 usd

Deck of cards by Murphy's Magic Supplies Inc. (From $11.95)

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The ORIGINAL GT Speedreader is back and just as fast and stealthy as ever! Built exclusively for working magicians by Garrett Thomas, this is the ultimate deck of marked cards trusted by countless professional magicians around the world.

Based on a classic Ted Lesley concept, The GT Speedreader marking system was designed to take advantage of the ways both magicians AND layman examine cards. To the trained eye, this system is incredibly EASY to read and insanely EFFICIENT! You'll be able to start using these marked playing cards right out of the box! They can be read from dealer's grip, overhand grip or even when riffling for a spectator peek.

Yet, despite how obvious the markings might seem to you, we assure you that this is 100% UNDECTABLE by spectators. The marking system is invisible to the untrained eye and is concealed when the deck is spread, making it essentially impossible for your audience to see. To them, this looks and feels like an ordinary deck of cards.

In fact, many professionals who are familiar with marked decks were not able to detect the markings until they learned the GT Speedreader system. That means you may have seen someone perform magic with these and not even known it.

  • NO weird symbols or codes
  • NO cheat sheets
  • NO special equipment or stacks needed
  • 100% undetectable by spectators (even when the cards are spread)

Every GT Speedreader Marked Deck (Standard Version) is manufactured on superior quality stock by the USPCC with either a Red or Blue 809 Bicycle Mandolin Back.

Each deck also comes with a special marking instruction card and an exclusive marked double backer and set of Jokers.

GT Speedreaders are a professional quality marked deck that allow you to perform a variety of POWERFUL magic tricks for less than $15! An unbeatable value!

As an added bonus to help you get started, you'll also receive FREE access to an online version of The Trick That Can't Be Explained from the GT Speedreader DVD (which features a ton of other amazing GT Speedreader routines)

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Customer reviews for GT Speedreader Marked Deck (Standard Version)



Very concise guidance on adlibbing when you have the advantage. We'll done.



This is the best marked deck BY FAR! People expect me to say the UMD but that is too expensive for almost the exact same thing! Out of everyone I performed to even the newer magicians I showed it to, not a single one noticed the markings and them not being bicycle or rider back!



Quick and to the point video on the value of a m deck. Includes an application and final thoughts.



Oh wow can't believe it took my so long to discover these. Have been buying umd and they are super expensive. These are really well priced and I bought a couple. The mandarin back is very close to the rider back in fact you could add rider gaffs and no one would be none the wiser. These are typical bicycle quality and handle really really well. So glad to have these, they are dynamite and a great out if things go wrong. Get this! Highly recommended.



Cards are amazing quality and get the job done!



Sorry to jump in here with a second review. If some people think this deck has to be handled picture perfect as presented on the site, you will be disappointed. We have to think outside the box. In some baseball stadiums there's a picnic area beyond right and left field. We have to go past the picnic area and into the parking lot. Allowing the spectator(s) to be fully in charge of shuffling and cutting the deck after explaining the concept of marked decks will solidify the fact the deck is undetectable. After this you are only restricted in your own creative theatrics to reveal a card you've already known.
I've performed this for 8 people/4 couples and the result has always been WTF ?



I've been using the Ghost Deck for some effects, but the Bicycle deck is disarmingly mundane and fully examinable to the untrained eye. I love the easy read and look forward to future effects.



My all time favorite marked deck. The marking is cleverly disguised, but easier to read than most. The genius is in the placement. Most people look for markings in the top left corners, if at all. My favorite thing about this deck is that I always know what card is where, even if I’m not doing a routine requiring a marking system.



I've got a ton of marked decks and have heard great reviews of these. I know that they were sold out for a long time and sought after by many so I picked up a couple. I'm not like super crazy about this deck. The marks are a little small and placed in a weird spot. They're hard to glimpse. Because the marks are so small I need to bring the cards somewhat close to my face. Spectators won't see the marks but you might not either. I did, after some work train my brain to spot the marks but it's still hard to catch them. Also, I don't like the way these cards feel. The edges are not smooth. They feel rough like paper. Not for me but a clever attempt to create a unique marking system.



Very disapointed with this deck. Its demonstrated in there video add, that by riffaling through this deck, that you can stop at any card, then reveall this card, The reader back mark at the top right is upside down, You can only read this deck at the bottom left hand side, Which isnt a naturall place to be looking either, so this is an expression giveaway, as in, cards are on the table, your eyes looking down at the mark bottom of the deck, so what does the spectator see, the top off your head, the mark are small, and marked as in suit and value, so you riffle and stop at an upside 5 of C, or a 6 of C, or is that a 9, hang on, umm umm, im just working out the mark, this deck is no good for a beginner. Also if you do a fan, you cant read the mark, due to the position off the mark, as they are blocked by the other cards by the fan, you are restricted on what you can do with this deck, Its a pointless deck If you want to use the marking system. And the trick that is explained that you get with this, can be done with a normall deck, if you no how.


Community questions about GT Speedreader Marked Deck (Standard Version)

Have a question about this product? It's possible others do too. Ask here and other Vanishing Inc. Magic customers will be able to respond with assistance! Alternatively, email us and we can help too.

  • Lex asks: Bought gt speedreader. No instructions

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: Look for The Trick That Can't Be Explained from the GT Speedreader DVD in your downloads library.
  • Matthew asks: Which bicycles are they modeled after

    • 1. David answers: They are on 809 Mandolin Backs, one of my favourites as it happens.
    Post an answer to this question
  • William asks: How’s the visibility in varying light conditions? And for aged eyes?

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: The less light you have the less visible they will be. I would not recommend these for poor eyes.
  • Andrew asks: I notice this is considered the “Standard Version.” Are there different versions of the Speedreader?

    • 1. Jim answers: No others are currently listed.
    Post an answer to this question
  • Rodney asks: are the markings on this deck the same as the ultimate deck?

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: They are similar but in different spots
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