Impale - Nicholas Lawrence and Jason Yu - Vanishing Inc. Magic shop


DVD by Nicholas Lawrence and Jason Yu
39.95 In stock - very few available.
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DVD by Nicholas Lawrence and Jason Yu (39.95)

In stock - very few available.
Impale - magic
Impale Impale

Imagine having a sharpie marker gently touch a deck of cards, only to have it start sinking through the deck like a hot knife melting through butter. 

While your audience is in utter ashtonishment by the impossible visual, you pull the sharpie out and dump out the entire deck of cards from the tuck case. Everything can be examined by your spectator. Impale is a full illusion set that fits right in your pocket. Perform it anywhere, anytime.
Gimmick Included.

TV rights NOT included with purchase. All TV rights reserved and available from only.


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  • Maks asks: can i do this illusion with normal sharpie, and card box?

    • 1. SGKYDUYEN answers: You can do this trick with a normal sharpie but the card box is gimmicked
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