Initial Shock - Mark Mason and Alex Latorre - Vanishing Inc. Magic shop

Initial Shock

Trick by Mark Mason and Alex Latorre
10.00 - normally $40.00 In stock.
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Initial Shock

40.00 usd

Trick by Mark Mason and Alex Latorre (10.00 - normally $40.00)

In stock.
Initial Shock - magic
Initial Shock Initial Shock Initial Shock Initial Shock Initial Shock Initial Shock

Powerful, visual magic that ends in a unique souvenir your spectators are sure to keep and cherish forever!

With Initial Shock, a card is selected by the spectator and initialed on the face on both ends. The rest of the deck is then returned to the card box and the signed card is slid in about half way.

There is NO SWITCH done during this moment. The card sticking out is truly their initialed card.

You then put your own initials on the card box. Which then, in the blink of an eye, impossibly jump from the card box to the back of THEIR SIGNED CARD. This card is IMMEDIATELY removed and handed to them to keep.

  • Everything is fully examinable
  • NO switches, palms or steals
  • Uses a regular, non-gimmicked card box
  • Resets instantly and can be repeated right away with a different card every time

Initial Shock is a super memorable effect that every table-hopping or close-up magician will want in their set.


Customer reviews for Initial Shock



I like this. The moment the signature jumped from the card box to the card is very visual, and the method is very clever as well. However, you are only going to be performing this one trick to the spectator because of the setup.


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  • Tim asks: Everything is fully examinable!! So if I took the cards out of the box I would find nothing??

    • 1. Stefan answers: There are 2 methods, with one after the trick is done box and spectators card are examinable and with other you can steal gimmick away and give deck for examination, hope that helps.
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