Jim Krenz Collection - Jim Krenz - Vanishing Inc. Magic shop

Jim Krenz Collection

Magic download (video) by Jim Krenz
24.95 - normally $65.00
Vanishing Inc. exclusive

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Jim Krenz Collection

65.00 usd

Magic download (video) by Jim Krenz (24.95 - normally $65.00)

Four incredible effects from a true legend of close-up magic.

Few magicians are as knowledgeable as Jim Krenz, who spent 15 years working at the iconic Magic Inc. and is a lifelong student of magic. He has studied alongside some of the most incredible magicians to ever live like Juan Tamariz, Tommy Wonder, Slydini, Ed Marlo, Eugene Burger, Don Alan, Jim Ryan, Tony Andruzzi and Jay Marshall.

Throughout his career, Jim developed dozens of original effects and techniques, and has lectured in nine countries. He’s a close confidant of Juan Tamariz and that shows in his work.

Yet, it has been far too long since Jim had a mainstream release for magicians. So, we’re so excited for the chance to bring you four of his best creations. Each one is available separately or you can save big by grabbing the complete collection. Get all of the routines plus access to a ton of amazing bonuses for one low price!

Whether you’re already a fan of Jim or this is your introduction, we know every magician will love the “Jim Krenz Collection.” Download the complete collection now!

Contents of the Jim Krenz Collection

Click each link to see a full performance or see them all in one place in the extended trailer below

A signed card vanishes from the deck and reappears inside the card box that has been sitting in plain view. This practical and versatile technique for secretly loading a playing card into a card box is one of Jim’s signature creations and has been popularized in recent years by Asi Wind. Jim teaches you everything you need to master this magician-fooler in the easy-to-follow video.

Glitch in the Matrix
Using a subtle, yet invaluable, tweak to the standard handling, Jim has largely eliminated the moments in which the method is typically telegraphed during a normal Matrix routine. The result is a quick, visual, and super magical routine that is as fun to learn as it is to perform. Four normal coins and four normal cards are all you need to make your audience question reality.

Ring Off Rope
A mind-boggling Ring Off Rope routine that is as fooling as it is entertaining. Jim’s unique Ring Off Rope move enables the rope to be knotted and pulled, leaving the audience absolutely convinced that it must be totally secured. Yet, you’re still able to make the ring melt right off as if nothing was in its way.

This is likely to be the highlight of the bundle for many magicians. Your audience sees (and hears) a signed card being torn into many tiny pieces before it’s restored instantly. As soon as you learn the method, it will become quite obvious why Juan Tamariz considers this to be one of the best torn and restored card routines.

As a special bonus, everyone who purchases the complete collection will also get a special PDF filled with eight easily-digestible theory articles from Jim about how to make your magic matter. This includes discussions around creativity, meaningful practice, the pursuit of perfection, the power of words, and more. You will also receive a video explaining "The Krenz Overhand False Shuffle" and a PDF exploring Jim's super simple system that takes just a few seconds to implement and will give you the power to identify cards in Mnemonica stack without needing to look at their faces.

Watch The Extended Trailer Featuring All Performances

“When I was a child I was fascinated with the magical emotion that I felt upon watching magicians. I could not comprehend anything—what I would see was impossible; now I love to feel this emotion. It does not occur very often. Normally, I can see behind the curtain—I see the “hidden” secrets and the mechanics. But from time to time a magician performs a trick, or several tricks that seem impossible—and the magical emotion returns. This happens to me with Jim Krenz (how wonderful!). For this, thank you Jim!” Juan Tamariz

“Jim thinks in another dimension and creates cutting-edge miracles. His devious and thoroughly deceptive methods never fail to pack a powerful punch.” Rafael Benatar

“Jim Krenz is a treasure trove of ideas and a powerhouse of innovation. An “inside guy” who’s sharing some brilliant ideas.” R. Paul Wilson

Jim Krenz is the epitome of what makes Vanishing Inc. so special. We feel lucky to have a team comprised of almost entirely magicians, and even luckier that many of them are the caliber of Jim. It’s such an honor to bring you the “Jim Krenz Collection.” Download now.


Customer reviews for Jim Krenz Collection



Rope tricks not my thing but I like this one!



Prima Lösung i like it






Glitch In The Matrix by Jim Krenz is an active work of Art that keeps you mesmerized even after viewing it a bunch of times. Amazing !!!!



TL;DR: Great bundle, got it on a discount, just buy it already.

I got this bundle for $25 on a discount: let me just say it is probably worth the full $65. All of Jim’s creations are very well scripted and the methods are super innovative.

ImpLoad: Interesting technique building on a Juan Tamariz move, probably gonna take a lot of practice.

Glitch in the Matrix: Great handling of the Matrix plot. The “subtle tweak” actually streamlines the method a lot, and I think it could be followed up with Henry Harrius’ “Extra with No Extra” barehanded coin matrix.

Ring Off Rope: Simple method to explain and do. I feel like I’m gonna get a lot of length out of this one.

Ripper: I love this effect. The presentation, the method, everything about it is just great. The “special something” can be easily made in under 60 seconds. The method is super innovative, concise, and isn’t telegraphed at all during the performance.



Inspiring and insightful!



This guy is a great teacher and an incredible magician. his knowledge of angles and sleight of hand is awe-inspiring! never heard of of this guy ,but suggest you get all of his work.



What a great download! Well worth it just for Jim's overhand shuffle which is a real worker.



Superb! I will use this



What a beauty "this ring off rope": everything makes sense and the tips on giving the ends of the rope to different person's really adds extra convincers. Jim Kenz is a genius and his stuff amongst the best. Happy I purchased it.



Great trick Definitely will use it in my next performance!





the best trick I've learned.

VI Monthly




VI Monthly


Very deceiving and well taught. It always helps to have the surrounding mirrors to see exactly what is being taught and then to follow with practice setting up mirrors to watch all angles really helps.



WOW. This is dope. Love the misdirection and bravado of Brother Krenz in this video. Definitely being added to my repertoire.



Loved the way Jim handled this classic with just enough of a twist to make it his own. The love of the material really comes through in the explanation portion of the download. I had the pleasure of first seeing the Matrix routine performed at the Magic Castle in the early 80s by Monte Smith, and knowing Monte he would have loved this addition.



I think that it is a very well thought out routine structurally. Also the explanation is well done and I really appreciate Jim taking the time too share such a great torn and restored routine with us. The over the shoulder view is great as well for us to see the fine points of how execute some of the moves. I just want to thank Jim Krenz for sharing such a great routine with us. I’m excited about it.

VI Monthly




This move and concept is incredible and I will certainly work on it. It is a type of move that is really inspiring and triggers a lot of own ideas. Also, the explanation is super clear and leaves no stone unturned.



VI Monthly




It might be my old fragile memory, but I can't recall ever seeing Mr. Krenz, neither youtu.be nor live. I certainly will again, hopefully in the flesh some time.

IMO, this is exactly how magic videos should be made: no music, no clever graphics, just Magish talking to me very conversationally. Krenz knows which parts are critical and makes a point of explaining them in the right level of detail.
This is excellent stuff: ImpLoad is not something I'll necessarily use, but I certainly will be playing with it, and maybe I'll see how to make if work for me. I got this as part of a bundle, and I feel the same about other items in it; each effect is doable and worth the work.



Excellent download. Worth every penny. He goes over every single minute detail of the move. He also explains Tamariz Perpendicular Control (TPC), the move that inspired the load. He also shared his way of accessing any card faster in a memorized deck, which is a gem.



VI Monthly


Whenever I contact Vanishing Inc. Magic with some question and Jim happens to be the person responding to my query, on at least three such occasions, I have thanked Jim for releasing a performance and explanation on his devious ImpLoad. What an inspired move.

And so,after reading yesterday about the Jim Krenz collection, I immediately purchased the Jim Krenz Collection. I did not wait "to pass "GO" or to collect $200.00"! Nope! I just immediately hit the "Purchase Collection" tab...and then sat and eagerly watched the four main video offerings and the bonus video offering on Jim's Overhand False Shuffle ("The Krenz Overhand False Shuffle").

The four main videos and the bonus video (an explanation of Jim's overhand false shuffle) are all strong diverse unique effects. No duplication or minor variations here. As I watched each of these videos, I just sat there in stunned amazement as I realized the inspired thinking (and genius) that went into each of these effects.

In this collection, Jim supercharges a prior explanation of his ImpLoad move by including an exhaustive clearly shot video and an in-depth concise explanation of Juan Tamariz' signature move, The Perpendicular Control...and then Jim gives examples of other uses for the move.

My favorite? "Glitch in the Matrix". That effect was so direct and so "moveless" that a sense of wonderment (like I experienced when, as a child, I saw my very first magic trick) just enveloped me and had me wordlessly exclaiming "Yes! Yes! Yes!". I just sat there for about two minutes and ran what I had just seen and experienced over and over again in my mind. Frankly, I did not want to stop or otherwise interrupt the feeling that had enveloped me. I live for such experiences and all I can humbly say is "Thank you Jim...thank you so very very much!"

My second most favorite item was the BONUS video explaining "The Krenz Overhand False Shuffle". WOW!

As I read and re-read the The Juan Tamariz quote contained in the ad copy for this Jim Krenz Collection, I came to realize that truer words were never spoken about Jim and his magic.

Thank you, Jim...for your dedication to magic and your selfless release of such quality inspired magic. I hope that the foregoing is just Act One in a series.


Arthur Alexander

It's Jim Krenz, what more do you want? You get four great routines. Do not hesitate - get this!!!





Wow!! great job Jim worth ever dime.



Jim Krenz Collection
WOW !! Thank you for sharing, worth every dime !!





Community questions about Jim Krenz Collection

Have a question about this product? It's possible others do too. Ask here and other Vanishing Inc. Magic customers will be able to respond with assistance! Alternatively, email us and we can help too.

  • Gary asks: What is the required skill level?

    • 1. Charles answers: I have followed Jim for years, and while I haven't yet digested this treasure trove, I can say that in general the sheer brilliance of his thinking makes learning any necessary sleights worth it. I think he may be the magical genius of our time.
    • 2. Jim Krenz (creator) responds: It varies from item to item. Ring Off Rope will take minimal effort, if you have any experience with knots and ropes. The same can be said for Glitch in the Matrix, if you have any familiarity with Martin routines. ImpLoad will take some practice. Well worth it, in my opinion. Ripper will take a fair amount of practice and rehearsal. At least medium skill level, depending on your expertise with cards. I hope that helps!
    • 1. Charles answers: I have followed Jim for years, and while I haven't yet digested this treasure trove, I can say that in general the sheer brilliance of his thinking makes learning any necessary sleights worth it. I think he may be the magical genius of our time.
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