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Book by John Graham
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Book by John Graham (34.95)

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Encore - magic
Encore Encore Encore Encore Encore Encore Encore Encore Encore Encore

A complete professional act using just a deck of cards and a Sharpie.

While John Graham was already one of the busiest underground workers for decades, he cemented his place in the magic community with the launch of his smash-hit book Stage by Stage. Now he’s back with a commercial, professional routine that breaks the mold on one of the most popular plots in magic.

The Multiple Selection is beloved by professional magicians around the world. Many pros even use it to close their shows (our own Andi Gladwin included). Yet, nearly all of them follow the same mostly-linear structure. Multiple cards selected, and then multiple cards found.

“John has created the first major leap forward in the multiple selection routine in decades. Far and away the best multiple selection routine I've ever seen.” Asi Wind

"John Graham has come up with a very original and commercial approach to the multiple-card location plot. It’s well worth any card magician’s study."Darwin Ortiz

In theory, you’ll technically learn seven unique tricks. Encore is also designed to be modular. So, you could stop anywhere and still have a fantastic routine.

However, the true value of Encore comes from the routining and how each effect seamlessly blends together. John has spent decades refining it in front of real audiences. Every second, every beat, and every move has meaning. Each twist provides a moment of clarity or reinforcement.

This brand-new approach to The Multiple Selection revolves around the idea of repeated revelations. While each selected card gets its own distinct revelations, there are also fun added elements of surprise as the past revelations are continually tied back in.

So, when you find the second card, you also re-find the first, and then you find both the first and second card again when you find the third…and so on. These continued callbacks give your audience a reason to stay invested and make the routine feel so much larger. And every callback somehow comes as a surprise, making it extremely fun for the entire audience.

And, again, all you need is a normal deck of cards and a Sharpie.

“John has invented an entirely new structure for my favorite effect. I love it!” Andi Gladwin

The beauty of Encore is in the details. Which is why it is being presented in a gorgeous, slim hardback book instead of as a download. You’ll have no problem learning all the intricacies thanks to incredible descriptions and illustrations. You can go at your own pace and return to a certain section anytime you need, plus you get all of the tips from 100s of performances.

When you dedicate decades of your life to one plot, continually exploring new options as you polish and perfect every detail, you end up with gold. John made all the mistakes others make doing Multiple Selection routines so you don’t have to. Get Encore today!

“The multiple selection and revelation routine is a true showstopper. John offers wonderful techniques, insights, and practical professional advice so you can perform this timeless classic. Highly recommended.“ Jeff McBride, creator of McBride’s Magic & Mystery School, Las Vegas

“I have performed a multiple selection routine for years and have read pretty much everything on the subject. This approach by John is amazing, entertaining, and most of all unique and surprising. It’s really an act, not just a trick or even a routine. It’s all high impact with nothing wasted or extra, except maybe for that 'H' in his first name.” Jon Armstrong

“This booklet, not even 40 pages long, is the best value I’ve seen in a book in a very long time. No word or space wasted, just all in strong card magic that builds into an amazing act. You don’t want to miss this gem from one of my favorite magic authors.“ Caroline Ravn

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Let us hand it over to the incomparable Jamy Ian Swiss to sum up what makes Encore so special in a way that only he can...

"We all know too many tricks, and too few that we do well. But even if we have accomplished mastering a substantial group of tricks ... then what? Do you perform them in an almost random order, perhaps giving a little thought to the opener and the closer, and then letting come what may in the course of events? Or have you structured your material in such a way that you create a whole that is larger than the sum of the parts -- in other words, do you have an act?

There is much more to that question, and its answer, than meets the eye. Any reasonably accomplished close-up magician can perform half a dozen close-up tricks of various types, or half a dozen card tricks. But ... how do you create an act out of that?

John Graham, the busiest working full-time pro you've never heard of -- until, that is, the debut of his phenomenal book, 'Stage by Stage', about how to construct a professional caliber commercial platform magic show -- now brings that same experienced and professional eye to close-up card magic, in his excellent follow-up release: Encore.

In superb instructional detail, John shares a 10-minute act, consisting of five neo-classic card routines plus two additional breathtaking climactic final beats. The skills required are intermediate at most, so whether you are a professional looking to apply John's principles and teachings to your own work, or an amateur looking to take the next step, put aside the latest new thing and replace it with an impactful performance that will kill any intimate audience, whether in professional or simply casual social conditions, the small price you pay for this book will be one of the best investments you have yet made in your journey toward becoming a complete conjurer -- a close-up magician who can truly perform a polished and memorable act!

Isn't it time you took this final step -- this leap -- to another level? John Graham will take you by the hand and lead you to that promised land. Don't delay, don't think about it -- just do it -- and be prepared for your audiences to shout out the name of this transformational volume: Encore!

35 Pages | Hardcover | 6" x 9" | Fully Illustrated


Customer reviews for Encore



The books is wonderfully written and the effect (or rather, series of effects) is powerful. I especially appreciate that it can be stopped at almost any point and still have a big impact on participants and spectators. The only thing missing is that I would have loved for those of us who bought the book to have had access to a video of John's full performance. There's a lot in the book that would be easier to understand if readers could have a performance in mind and without access to a video, which clearly exists as there are clips in the trailer, there's just no way to know what the routine actually looks like for spectators until doing it. Having access to the full performance was a big perk of "Afterglow" and I wish that those of us who are confirmed buyers could have had access to a similar video for "Encore." The book itself is great regardless!



Man, I’ve really enjoyed this book. I have been playing around with it for a couple days and having so much fun adding and taking things away. I would deff pick this up if you’re flirting with the idea. I know most of the “tricks” involved but there are some ideas and subtleties that really sparked my imagination and excited me. It’s REALLY fun to practice too.



This is one of the most essential card magic books I've read. We all have a collection of card tricks, but getting the effects to flow is rarely taught. However, the effects are well within the reach of a magician with intermediate-level card skills. I would recommend learning the routine but then looking at your current card repertoire and seeing how you can apply the ideas in Encore to what you already know.

Highly recommended!



The takeaway here is that simply paying attention to the interface-possibilities between routines can pay wonderful dividends. The author utilizes the DNA of a series of classics, and weaves them into a seamless (but modular) routine. As it sits right now, I am already performing the series up until four cards are in play. It just fits me that way. It's stated that, if you perform it all the way to the finale, you've got a good 18 minutes alone.The great part is, you only need a deck of cards and sharpie. No stacks, no mem-deck. If you want to eliminate the furtive fidgeting that can accompany card control, then you can also use the author's implementation of an old, criminally-underused and reliable preparatory method.



The concept of a routine where multiple cards chosen by audience members in a shuffled deck are revealed in sequence, but each in a different way, probably predates Hofzinser and Hoffman. Such luminaries as Victor, Malini, Marlo and others have used it in their performances. Ricky Jay had a wonderful multiple card revelation that was his opening routing for “Ricky Jay and His 52 Assistants,” and Paul Vigil’s wonderful “The More the Merrier” routine is a great multiple climax interlude in a longer performance. John Graham’s single routine volume “Encore” is an excellent addition to the body of knowledge focused on this routine concept.

The performance is unique, in that it involves 6 signed cards, but with every new revelation, the previously located card or cards are again discovered. Once all 6 are revealed in one shot, there is an excellent kicker ending as well. I would also add that the text carefully and academically credits others who's work was adapted for this routine.

The technical aspect of the routine is not what I would consider a “beginner” routine, but is easily within the capabilities of any amateur or hobbyist with “intermediate” level skills, and takes advantage of a concept I believe originated with “advantage card players” and migrated to magic via the underground of performers with connections or experience in that realm. Though it will take some practice, the reward is a truly professional level showpiece for any performance.

I would highly recommend this slim volume to anyone who is willing to put in the practice to learn it, and wants to add a polished, professional routine to their repertory. It is well worth the investment!



The material contained in this book is good. I would rate the skill level required for performing this sequential routine as intermediate. While the effects in this book segue nicely, it's still only seven effects. According to the author, the presentation of these seven will take about 18 minutes, yet each effect can be independent of the other.

This is a quality well-written publication. The book has 35 plus pages which contains seven effects, each subsequent effect segues from the previous effect. That being said, I question the cost of this book as compared to other books from other noted performers whose published works contain substantially more quantity without sacrificing quality.

I purchased this book based on a few reviews from this site and video reviews from another site. I obtain books and materials I consider different, challenging and unique. Before I received this book, I was seriously considering purchasing another of this author's book; however, after reading this book I decided to give the other book a pass.



John Graham's "Encore" focuses on a unique multiple selection routine where cards from previous selections are revealed with each new phase. While the book's promotional material claims these revelations come as a surprise, it's questionable whether this effect persists beyond the third round. Nevertheless, it's an innovative concept that Graham has clearly refined through numerous performances.

For magicians interested in multiple revelation routines, this book is worth studying. However, many of the revelations fall into a common trap of such routines: they often appear more skill-based and "move-y" rather than truly magical. While there are some magical elements, they are not as prevalent as one might hope.

Graham's work shows a strong Harry Lorayne influence, and much of the material is accessible to intermediate card magicians. While "Encore" is a commendable routine, it may not be as groundbreaking as some classics like Pepe Carrol's Suit Appearance with its magical change finale.

This slim volume, while worthy of study, seems overpriced compared to other options in the market. It might have been better suited as a lower-priced pamphlet or as part of a larger book, perhaps in the $15-$20 range.



To start off, I can honestly say that in all my years of magic, this is the very first magic book I've ever read cover to cover. But given that it's only 35 pages long, I guess that's not saying much, for the length of the book or for my attention span. I appreciated that most of the material taught in the book are older tricks (several from the 1950s and before), that wouldn't necessarily be as popular or well-known today if it weren't for books like this. That said, the revelations are not new, and I was already familiar with most of them, and perhaps you might be too. I also appreciated the modular nature of the routine, and that most of the revelations are not difficult. I will certainly incorporate one of the revelations that I did not know into by repertoire, but that is about it. Ultimately, I feel the book is a little lacking, and perhaps could have remained a chapter in Stage By Stage as it was initially intended to be. And given the price ($35, or a dollar per page), I don't know if I can say that it is entirely worth the cost.


Video reviews about Encore

Steve Faulkner


Community questions about Encore

Have a question about this product? It's possible others do too. Ask here and other Vanishing Inc. Magic customers will be able to respond with assistance! Alternatively, email us and we can help too.

  • Alexander asks: Is the binding of this book sewn?

    • 1. Jim answers: It is sewn and glued—it's a proper hardback book.
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  • Andrew asks: Are the sleights used all taught explicitly, or is it assumed that people who buy a 'collectors' routine will probably know the sort of skill level required? Thanks!

    • 1. Jim answers: All the sleights are taught. It's fully illustrated. That said, this is not a book for beginners.
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  • Joe asks: Can this routine be performed in the hands, or is a table required?

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: A table is preferred but it can be modified for an in the hands performance.
  • Ben asks: Is there a video of a performance of the routine included?

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: For multiple reasons, method wise, there is not a full performance available.
  • Damian asks: How many cards are selected? Is it always the same number or is it flexible? Are there minimum and maximum numbers?

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: The number of cards that are selected is up to you. In fact, John draws attention to the fact that "the structure can work with three or four selections as effectively as it does six or eight". The routine is modular, meaning it can be easily customized.
  • Jack asks: I’ve got small hands, so is there any palming involved?

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: There might be some palming involved but the whole point of this book is to help you build you MSF routine to fit you. If you'd prefer not to palm, you'll be just fine.
  • Mohd asks: How about the level of sleight of hand? Suitable for beginners?

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: Someone slightly above a beginner could probably read this book and be capable of accomplishing the sleights. But, it might take longer than someone with a little more experience. The true value of this book is the routining, and how everything comes together to create a full act. To really get the most out of this book, you probably want to be closer to an intermediate than a true beginner.
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