Jon Armstrong Card Magic Download Bundle - Vanishing Inc. Magic shop

Jon Armstrong Card Magic Download Bundle

Magic download (video) by Jon Armstrong
Vanishing Inc. exclusive
4.9 | 28 reviews

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Jon Armstrong Card Magic Download Bundle

49.95 usd

Magic download (video) by Jon Armstrong (49.95)

Three practical and commercial routines from one the most popular performers at the Magic Castle and on Disney Cruise Lines.

We get it, most of you probably tried to watch the trailer before reading this. You probably saw the lengthy runtime and thought it might be a mistake. Before you email us, we want to let you know it’s actually not a mistake at all. In honor of this exciting new release, we’re doing something we’ve never done before—our first-ever full length trailer!

Jon Armstrong is a true worker in every sense of the word. A consummate professional that doesn’t bother himself with constantly keeping up with magic trends and fads. Instead, he evolves his material through real-world performances. His routines are true showstoppers that delight every audience.

So, we’ve decided to forego a glitzy trailer with exciting music, overblown reaction shots, and flashy cuts. Instead, you can watch every routine in its entirety performed for real people. It’s really a free magic show that you can sit back and enjoy.

In this Vanishing Inc. exclusive download, Jon shares three professional close-up magic card tricks. Like all of Jon Armstrong’s material, these routines are powerful, practical and ready to be put right into your working set. If you love card magic, don’t read any further. Just add this bundle to your cart. You won’t be disappointed.

Each of these downloads is available separately (click the links below to see them performed). But, the best way to experience them is by saving big with the exclusive bundle deal.

Orbs Of Power: A nearly self-working, highly visual take on the Follow the Leader plot.

Three Blank Monte: A multi-phase, entertaining 3 Card Monte routine that uses blank cards to offer a novel new approach and help build toward an incredibly powerful ending that solves one of the biggest problems with the classic card scam.

Out of this Blah Blah Blah: A wildly entertaining, extremely fooling, completely unique and deceptively easy version of Out of this World that might just become your new favorite take on the classic plot.

Download the “Jon Armstrong Close-Up Magic Bundle” today.


Customer reviews for Jon Armstrong Card Magic Download Bundle

VI Monthly


Jon Armstrong is a master! These routines are easy to perform, can be done pretty much surrounded and will blow people away. I bought this download pack just for the 3 blank monte and it does not dissapoint! The use of blank cards for the classic 3 card monte is awesome and this really fools people.

I would recommend this download pack to anyone looking for a few simple tricks for parties, bars, social gatherings or work functions. These will amaze your group & make you look like the star!

VI Monthly



















Great download bundle I got it for blank Monte but the out of this blah blah blah is good about as straight and direct as you can get with OOTW. Great value and very pleased with this download stuff I would do and use

VI Monthly


The psychology behind this trick is worth learning it.

VI Monthly






Ya’ know, at first I didn’t quite know what I was getting. After doing a watch through the bundle vids, this proved to be a fortuitous acquisition.
The tutorials are gentle, amusing and very well presented in an enjoyable way.
If you adopt this, buy the bundle!
Well worth it



Very good effect looking for oil & water a little different ??



I have always loved this plot for an effect. Orbs of Power fixes two issues that other effects like this have, clarity of what is happening (using the orbs) and time, not to long and drawn out! To top it all off, it's not too difficult to do.

VI Monthly


Very entertaining instruction. Super-easy to do and a lot of fun!!



Great three-card monte routine. All the moves are taught clearly with great tips even if you already are familiar with the three-card monte. I could see this becoming a workhorse for me. It takes the sting out of traditional monte routines and makes it more entertaining for the audience. The final kicker is what is missing in many routines and works with something many magicians already have.



I'm really very happy with this purchase. I think the quality of the material and the quality of instruction each deserve five stars.

I had been working on the Juan Tamariz handling of "Follow the Leader," which I really like. "Orbs of Power" is a little more streamlined and easier to learn.

I think Eugene Burger's handling of U.F. Grant's "Nu Way Out of This World" is excellent (as is Larry Hass's "My Way Out of This World"). Either would be amazing, in the right conditions. But if you want to perform a to-the-point, quick version--ten red cards and ten black--this would be hard to beat. A fine explanation of the Gilbreath Principle. This is one of those tricks that doesn't seem like it could possibly work. Your participant tells you where to place each card--you do exactly as you're told--there are no sleights. And yet the reds end up together and so do the blacks. The script is written such that you don't telegraph the ending, too. An outstanding piece of magic.

"Three Blank Monte" addresses some of the problems with the usual monte. It's less confrontational, it gives your participant something inherently interesting to follow (her signature) and the hype is easier to get away with, using blank cards. Again, the quality of instruction is excellent. (You'll want to order the School for Scoundrels "Notes on Three-Card Monte".)

All in all, these are three routines you should be able to have a lot of fun with. There is nothing beyond the ability of someone who's fairly comfortable with cards. Because there are no major technical demands, you should be able to devote most of your time to horsing around with your participants (if that's your idea of a good time).



Good routines easily explained. I also learned a few things that weren't directly related to the tricks.



Excellent trick. Will require some practice but we’ll worth the time.



Great version of out of this world- people today just don’t have the patience for the whole 52 card deal…I love the out of the discrepancy without stopping and switching in the middle.



These routines are worker GOLD. Jon Armstrong strikes that perfect balance of a deep thinker on strong card magic, and a worker who picks material that keep an audience engaged. The touches and presentational points are like a mini-master class of card magic. Also, NONE of these are “pick a card, I find it” so these are welcome additions to any close up workers repertoire.











Community questions about Jon Armstrong Card Magic Download Bundle

Have a question about this product? It's possible others do too. Ask here and other Vanishing Inc. Magic customers will be able to respond with assistance! Alternatively, email us and we can help too.

  • Rick asks: How easy is the blank monte?

    • 1. Jim answers: Reasonably easy, but it will depend on your level of experience, and how much you practice and rehearse.
    • 2. Todd answers: There are some basic to intermediate moves that you need to be able to do that are made easier because the cards are blank. Getting the card into the wallet and not getting caught is often difficult, but Armstrong did an awesome job of structuring this routine so even a beginner can do it because he hides the palming in the structure of the routine. The hard part of Armstrong's routine in my opinion are not the sleights but the pacing and timing to make it a piece of solid entertainment. This is very clever and entertaining magic that if you watch the video and don't know how it is done, then it is worth paying the money to learn it because the sleights he uses are used over and over elsewhere. This isn't the kind of magic that will make people give crazy off the wall reactions that are faked in a magic trailer. It is the kind of magic that will let you do real shows for real people and have them say, that guy was a great magician and very entertaining.
    Post an answer to this question
  • Lynn asks: What is the cost in U.S. dollars?

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: $24.95 - normally $44.85
  • Matthew asks: What's the runtime of the tutorial? $45 (regular price) seems pretty high for 3 downloads

    • 1. Jim answers: Approximately 75 minutes. Worth it, in my opinion.
    • 2. Mark answers: I think it's going for about $25, now, but even if it was going for $45--you'd be paying fifteen bucks per trick, which isn't out of line for the way things are priced now. And I think any of the three would be worth fifteen--especially if you get paid to do magic. I bought the bundle at the reduced rate and I think it's more than worth it. The quality of the magic and the quality of instruction together make me wonder why they reduced the price in the first place. (Don't tell anybody at VI I said that, for God's sake!)
    • 3. Christopher answers: For the caliber of material Mr. Armstrong releases, this is a bargain.
    Post an answer to this question
  • Gene asks: Which Card to Wallet do you recommend?

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: Whichever fits your style. You do not need a particular type. The FPS and Real Man's wallet are both very popular, our full range is here:
  • Jerry asks: When you buy this download of three tricks, does it come with the blank three card monte cards.....if not, how do you order them ?

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: They're available here:
  • Jay asks: I own Jon's L&L 3 DVD set, and I'm pretty sure two of the routines (TBM and OOTBBB) are on that set. Are there new aspects to those routines on this download, or are those routines essentially the same as what is on the DVD set?

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: The routines are essentially the same but it's an updated explanation.
  • Kelly asks: How easy is the Out of this World routine to perform? Is it self working? I'm a new hobbyist.

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: It's not self-working, but is extremely easy.
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