Lessons in Card Mastery

Book by Darwin Ortiz
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Lessons in Card Mastery

55.00 usd

Book by Darwin Ortiz (55.00)

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Among Darwin Ortiz' many fans, the only question is which of his card books is the best: Darwin Ortiz at the Card Table, Cardshark (both out of print), or Scams & Fantasies with Cards. Now there is a new candidate: the aptly-named Lessons in Card Mastery.

This time the accent is on uncanny displays of card control (30 tricks in total). You'll display physical control by cutting to a selected card with just one finger, trapping two selections in a shuffled deck, displaying mastery at Texas hold'em, instantaneously producing an entire suit, making the deck sort itself into reds and blacks, and causing all fifty-two cards to rearrange into perfect suit and number sequence. You'll display mental control by dividing cards under impossible conditions and memorizing a deck in a matter of seconds.

A highlight for many people will be Darwin's work on the multiple selection, where a spectator shuffles the selections into the deck! And his "Positively Fifth Sense" is a Hold 'Em routine that had everyone fooled when he performed it in the lobby at The Session 2011.

Again and again the cards obey your will like soldiers following the marching orders. These are effects that will convince any audience that you can do anything with a deck of cards.

As with Darwin's other books, Lessons in Card Mastery offers a wide range of formal card magic. Seven effects in the book use a memorized stack, all of which can be performed with any memorized stack. And for the first time, Darwin's "Best of the Best" routine will be explained; an item that has received praise from some of the best card magicians in the world.

Lessons in Card Mastery is set to be yet another Darwin Ortiz classic. We suggest you reserve yours before, like his other books, it goes out of print and becomes extremely difficult to get hold of.

Contents of Lessons in Card Mastery

  • Hole-Card Play
  • Positively Fifth Street
  • Positively Fifth Street Redux
  • Grifter's Game
  • Best of the Best
  • Best of the Best 2
  • The Spectator's False Shuffle
  • Passing Through
  • Hard Target
  • Sudden Impact
  • Inner-End Crimp
  • Supercharged Nine-Card Location
  • One Shot, One Kill
  • Twelve the Hard Way
  • 52 Pick-up
  • Fast Company
  • Fast and Furious
  • Bulletproof
  • Rouge et Noir
  • Limitless
  • Calculated Risk
  • Billion Dollar Brain
  • Doppelganger
  • Sweating Bullets
  • The Uninvited Guest
  • Fast and Loose
  • Card Sense
  • Double Tap
  • Case Card
  • Test Your Luck
  • New Darwin's Wild Card
  • Sorcerer's Apprentice
"It occurred to me that this new book could well be Darwin's finest to date. It represent a quantum leap in quality, creativity, intellectual analysis and sheer value for money. It is no secret that I am big fan of Darwin's books and have been long before I became one of his students. I make no apology for my enthusiasm for his latest contribution to the subject of card magic. I feel the title of this book lives up to claim, 'Lessons in Card Mastery' is your opportunity to take your studies to a post graduate level. Michael Vincent

Hardback, 281 pages oversized pages with 280 illustrations by Tony Dunn


Customer reviews for Lessons in Card Mastery



I don't think this is emphasized enough, but I totally agree with Michael Vincent when he says this is arguably Darwin's greatest book in card magic. Here are my two reasons why:

I feel like a good number of effects in this book are extensions/elaborations of ones found in his previous books, whether Darwin meant it or not. For example, in my opinion, 'Rouge et Noir' is a supercharged version of 'The Vegas Shuffle' (From 'Darwin Ortiz at the Card Table'), and 'Bulletproof' is basically 'Combination Cull' (from Scams and Fantasies) with a surprise ending; the list goes on. Additionally, 'Fast Company' is among, if not, THE most logical/entertaining triumph effect I have ever come across.

Finally, as with his other books, there's something for practically all skill levels, whether you've been doing card magic for two years or twenty years. The bottomline is that this book once again raises the caliber of card magic, and it is only after studying Darwin's previous books will you truly gain maximum appreciation out of 'Lessons in Card Mastery'.



I have been looking for card tricks that are built around mem-stacks. This book has a good number of them. From my humble stand point Billion Dollar Brain s the best of that selection. A full deck reveal that never loses the audience's attention. Further, Darwin Ortiz's writing style is so conversational. It's like he's leaning over your shoulder and guiding thought each step. Being a magic historian Mr Ortiz points you to all the source material that are the foundations of his creations. I have found in magic book of all strips the best stuff comes after the explanation. The tips that go into a deep dive. Nuts and bolts and philosophical framework, Mr Ortiz delivers on both counts. One of the best books on my shelf. TM



I love that this book is barely talked about, let alone receiving reviews because it's his best book and frankly one of the best books in all of Card Magic literature. So I may regret posting this, but Darwin deserves to sell more copies of this masterpiece.


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