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Mind Power Deck

Trick by John Kennedy and Tim Conover
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Mind Power Deck

39.95 usd

Trick by John Kennedy and Tim Conover (39.95)

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Often copied, but NEVER duplicated. THIS is the result of what happens when two of the finest thinkers in magic (Conover and Kennedy) collaborate. Finally available again, you can own Mr. Kennedy’s game-changing Mind Power Deck, which revolutionized mental card magic and thought-of card work when it was first released.

The concept is bold and simple. It’s a deck of cards that you can spread and CLEARLY show as normal—52 different cards. But when you wish, you can spread the deck in front of a spectator and allow them to THINK of any card they see...and yet YOU KNOW THE CARD. This isn’t just a trick; it’s an astounding PRINCIPLE that you can use to divine THOUGHT-OF cards from a seemingly shuffled pack.

The biggest names in mentalism carry this deck in their pockets, because they understand the potency of simply looking into someone’s eyes and TELLING THEM THEIR THOUGHT-OF CARD. And you know what? They were originally printed in a sort-of weird back design. But now, we’re pleased to announce they are printed in red-back Bicycle card stock. Simply perfect.

Available in Bicycle or Phoenix Backs

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Customer reviews for Mind Power Deck



Great mentalism tool. Many professionals use as part of other effects to "predict" someone's card without anyone writing anything down or sleights. Uses a combination of clever deck and some well thought out "patter" to achieve an excellent result of a thought of card prediction.



If you have Derren Brown’s Devils Picture book DVD or his book Pure Effect you know why you need this deck. If you don’t then put “Derren Brown Stephen Fry magic trick” in to YouTube and watch Derren destroy poor Stephen with this deck. Once you’ve watched that video buy this deck and Devil Picturebook and marvel at the genius of Derren and this fantastic deck.



Incredible gimmicked deck. One of the greatest think of a card effects out there. It is very convincing and I love that it can be repeated. This is really good and it is worth 40 dollars.



Really glad to see the rejuvenated version of this back in stock. I used to swear by this deck but let it go after it became harder to get hold of. The number of possibilities are unbelievable.

That the deck is now printed on Bicycle stock is brilliant news. Much better than the older versions which either had an unfamiliar design or handled poorly. These are akin to standard Bicycle cards.


Community questions about Mind Power Deck

Have a question about this product? It's possible others do too. Ask here and other Vanishing Inc. Magic customers will be able to respond with assistance! Alternatively, email us and we can help too.

  • Neal asks: How are the instructions provided?

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: The instructions are a PDF download, noted in the packaging.
  • Steve asks: Good for a Zoom session?

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: Yes you could use this over Zoom.
  • Gerardo asks: What colour is the back of the bicycle deck?

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: Red
  • Sanghak asks: In case of bicycle, Is this a rider back design?

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: It is printed in red-back Bicycle card stock
  • Eric asks: Is it possible I can use my 52 to 1 deck i purchased from you guys to do the effect. Why not right.or is there a difference?

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: There are differences to each effect.
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