Modern Flap Card - Magic Soul - Vanishing Inc. Magic shop

Modern Flap Card

Trick by Magic Soul
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Modern Flap Card

24.95 usd

Trick by Magic Soul (From $6.24 - normally $24.95)

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First introduced in 1922, the Flap Card has become a staple in the routines of magicians worldwide to produce all sorts of stunning effects. However, limitations of design can hinder these performances.

After many months of extensive research, Hondo has refined the Flap Card design to allow for faster flips, as many as TWO!, and the near-complete elimination of fold lines and uneven surfaces so Aces, court, and blank cards will all appear alike. Even better, he has developed a locking mechanism so the flips when you want it to and not before! 

This product includes a Modern Flap Card and an extra item to repair the card if needed.

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Customer reviews for Modern Flap Card



This is one of the best gimmicked cards out there. These are very well made and they create awesome effects. With these you can have beautiful color changes, ambitious card routines, etc. I recommend this gimmick to all magicians.



Hondo did a really great job with his flap card! It is a very very good item every magician should own!



this is too cool. Not sure why people think its not made well. Im beating the crap out of mine practicing a routine. Throwing it up. Spinning it on the table. Reset and practice again. 2 straight weeks and its still crisp clean and works just like magic..



Beautiful, clean design. Comes with repair kit, though I haven't had to use it. Now it's my job to come up with some cool scenarios.



Amazing!!! Hondo is a great creator



Amazing effect but just terrible quality, my blue to red split right away (thank you Kyle for replacing) and my jack to queen got like 4 uses out of it.
The USD to CAD conversion is way too expensive to keep replacing.


Community questions about Modern Flap Card

Have a question about this product? It's possible others do too. Ask here and other Vanishing Inc. Magic customers will be able to respond with assistance! Alternatively, email us and we can help too.

  • Shayne asks: Is there a black card to red card (face) option?

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: I don't believe there is.
  • Hernâni asks: Does the modern flap card comes with an online tutorial?

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: Yup!
  • Byron asks: If he doesn’t show how to make the gimmick, how long will it last and cost to replace. Regards, Byron

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: They are very well made. Ours has not yet broken.
  • Christopher asks: Are you getting the Flap instructional DVD AND a pre made gimmick?

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: That's correct.
  • John asks: Which one do I order to get what I saw on the trailer for the bicycle blue cover to the red cover to a face card ?

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: I am not quite sure what you are asking. But I suspect the answer is that you are looking for the blue to red face card change.
    • 2. John answers: In the trailer you see the bicycle card box cover go from blue to red to the king of clubs. Im just asking which one that is since it’s three changes.
  • Roy asks: says he shows you how to make it then you say he doesnt??

    • 1. SGKYDUYEN answers: Hi there, That latest update: You will receive the instruction on how to make the flap card by yourself
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  • Stefan asks: How many cards does it come with and should we buy the modern flap card or the modern flap box to card

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: It comes with one. You would buy those if using the box sounds appealing. If you want a card to change to a card, don't choose the box options.
  • Stefan asks: Is it able to be examined?

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: No.
  • Canberk asks: I need red face to blue face transform effect for my performance. Is it possible to have that effect with this product? Or would it came with the set up, other then what I need?

    • 1. SGKYDUYEN answers: I think you should contact Hondo directly for the custom Flap
    • 2. Michael answers: If you buy the online instructions you will be able to make in no time. I've made a red to blue change with a white back for my 4th of July shows. Can't wait to use it
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  • LJ asks: Do the instructions explain how to make your own cards in their style?

    • 1. SGKYDUYEN answers: You will learn how to make your own flap card
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  • Mariano asks: What is Blank to blank ??? I don’t understand the effect....

    • 1. SGKYDUYEN answers: You can draw something on the blank side, it depends on your creative
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  • Steve asks: Hi there. Is the teaching on here the same as his Ellusionist "Flap" project, or has it been updated from then?

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: You are taught how to repair it in the same way but not how to make one from scratch.
  • Jesse asks: Do you actually get a premade flap card and instructions to make your own also?

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: You don't get taught how to make one from scratch but you do get detailed instructions on how to repair it.
  • Richie asks: What is the difference between the phenix cards amd the other

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: Just the card stock.
  • Jack asks: it seems like because this is a flap card it'll make like a snappy or clicky kind of noise when it slaps together very quickly. So if I am in a room just me and someone else and would like to do a trick wouldn't that sound ruin it?

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: If it’s quiet room, the sound can’t ruin the trick I think
    • 2. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: If it’s quiet room, the sound can’t ruin the trick I think
    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: If it’s quiet room, the sound can’t ruin the trick I think
  • Jack asks: what is the difference between normal and Phoenix

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: They are similar, the Phoenix version comes with gimmick made from Phoenix deck
  • Thomas asks: I’d love to get clarity on whether you get taught how to make your own card. Several of the comments say you do: “Tony answers: Hi there, That latest update: You will receive the instruction on how to make the flap card by yourself.” But Vanishing Inc. posted that you don’t: “Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: You don't get taught how to make one from scratch, but you do get detailed instructions on how to repair it.” Vanishing Inc., can you please weigh in to resolve this definitively (and perhaps post your answer in the item’s official description?). For me, learning to build a flap card is key.

    • 1. Dottore answers: There are now videos on Google drive that teach you how to build your own flap card. So this addition is now included on the instruction page.
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  • Raphael asks: Hi there! Does the blank face card have a back? And if so, what back? Thanks!

    • 1. Jim answers: They have Bicycle backs.
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  • David A asks: Is the video in English or is it sub-titled?

    • 1. Jim answers: The explanation video is done silently to music. There are clear English subtitles.
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  • Willems asks: Hi there, what colour of back has the blank to blank flap card?

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: Red back.
  • Jaime asks: If the video that came with the card the full tutorial, meaning how create all the differents type of flap cards that is show in the trailer or just how make the flap card that you buy? And if I came just buy the video ?

    • 1. Barbara answers: I don't fully understand your question, but if you are asking whether you can make a different flap card with the same video, as long as you have necessary gimmicks (e.g. double facer, double backer, blank card) then you could absolutely make a different one. If, however, you are asking whether you can make a different type, such as one change or two changes I cannot comment, having not bought. Just trying to clarify for other magicians to maybe help answer.
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