Piece - Tek Magic - Vanishing Inc. Magic shop


Trick by Tek Magic
29.95 Possibly discontinued.
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Trick by Tek Magic (29.95)

Possibly discontinued.
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Piece - magic
Piece Piece Piece Piece

This is a great new DVD filled with visual magic with cards. Learn torn and restored versions, how to throw cards from one hand to the other, and all sorts of magic that looks great live or on camera. 

Included are:

Four - Piece

The magician starts with one piece of a card and visually, in four moves, the rest of the card appears as one.

Piece Fly

You tear a card into four equal pieces. One piece is placed into your right hand, and the remaining three pieces are in your left hand. Magically, the pieces in your left hand move one by one, finally ending up with a fully restored card in your right hand.

Piece & Box

A card has been torn into four pieces. The magician places these into a card box and shakes the box. With the move of a hand, one by one the pieces stick together, finally restoring the card.


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