Bicycle Pop Eyed Popper Deck - Vanishing Inc. Magic shop

Bicycle Pop Eyed Popper Deck

Deck of cards by US Playing Card Company
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Bicycle Pop Eyed Popper Deck

7.50 usd

Deck of cards by US Playing Card Company (7.50)

In stock.

The best and easiest way to force a playing card. The "Pop Eyed Popper Deck" is the best rough and smooth deck available on the market today. It's great for every card magic performer from professional magicians to beginner magicians just starting to learn card tricks.

When spread face up, the "Pop Eyed Popper Deck" (also known as the "Rough-Smooth Forcing Deck") looks like an ordinary deck of Bicycle Playing Cards. All the cards are different and it looks fairly shuffled.

When you turn the cards face down though and allow a playing card to be selected, you'll always know what card it is. That's because, due to a special secret within the deck, you can force them to choose a certain card with no sleight of hand or skill required.

The "Pop Eyed Popper Deck" is the best card force and easiest card force you'll ever learn. If you can spread or fan a deck of cards, you can use the "Pop Eyed Popper Deck".

You receive the "Pop Eyed Popper Deck" crafted with premium Bicycle Playing Card stock by the United States Playing Card Company. Available in Red or Blue.

No instructions are included, but the secret is incredibly simple (despite how powerful it is for every audience). Anyone who has used an Invisible Deck before will immediately understand how to use it. If you get stuck though, just contact us and our team of professional magicians will help you!

NOTE: We are unable to take requests for specific force cards at this time.


Customer reviews for Bicycle Pop Eyed Popper Deck



This deck of cards and specifically the arrival of them really sums up the amazing customer care that I have had from Vanishing Inc over the last year since I discovered their website. The Pop Eyed Popper deck is a great gimmick deck that fools your volunteer every time. I had already bought a blue backed one from VI and so decided to stock up on a red one. When it arrived one of the cards was faulty. Straight away at no extra cost Vanishing Inc sent me a replacement deck. Incredible customer service that only makes you want to keep coming back and recommending them to other people. Thanks.



I have been really pleased with the Pop Eyed Popper Deck that I bought from Vanishing Inc. I love the fact that you can fan out the cards and to all intents and purposes the deck looks perfectly normal with both the backs and the the face cards on display. So a card can be forced without having to riffle through them in an unusual way. (In my case the force card is the four of Clubs.) The cards are on a blue Bicycle deck that perfectly matches the others in my collection. This special pack of cards will allow you to force a card for a range of tricks and I would highly recommend it. A good price and good service, as ever, from Vanishing Inc. Thanks.



I've used a deck like this for years with my own routine. I thought the deck was called by another name so I was never able to find a new deck. When I found out the Pop Eyed Popper Deck was what I was looking for I knew I had to get one. Even better it comes as a red Bicycle deck. I will probably buy a couple of more if I can get it with a different reveal card. Now I can add this back into my act because it goes over so well with the audience.



Comes in a red or blue back bicycle standard deck
You can show the deck fully before your performance by fanning it or in a traditional ribbon spread
The spectator Can freely choose any card
You don’t need to perform any sleight of hand

You will need to construct your own routines

Overall: This is a great way of forcing a card using the rough and smooth method. You can spread the cards fully and the spectator can pick any card in the deck. Used in the right manner, it is a fooler.



I had a special request for the seven of hearts and Kyle went to a lot of trouble (and boxes at the supplier's warehouse) to get me the requested deck. Great service. Many thanks!



I just became aware of this deck, when searching for different options to add to my close up set, & I love it. It's an awesome option for a one way force deck. I just wish I was able to choose the force when ordering the deck, but it is great that it comes in both red & blue. 


Community questions about Bicycle Pop Eyed Popper Deck

Have a question about this product? It's possible others do too. Ask here and other Vanishing Inc. Magic customers will be able to respond with assistance! Alternatively, email us and we can help too.

  • Robert asks: Will this deck allow me to force a specific card....for example a 3 of diamonds?

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: Yes, that is its purpose.
  • James asks: Regarding a Pop eyed Popper decks, do you make up a deck with a key card that I request.

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: Unfortunately we cannot accept requests for these decks. The cards are randomly allocated.
  • Alexandra asks: Does this come with a deck box, too? How thick is this deck relative to a normal deck? Thanks!

    • 1. Jim answers: Yes. Normal.
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  • Kent asks: How many cards are visible when spread face up?

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: Half of them. Not that anyone would notice that!
  • Daniel asks: Is the (Bicycle) Pop Eyed Popper Deck the same thing as the "Split Deck" that that I've been buying for a few decades now? It looks like that's the case, but I want to confirm. Thanks. (One of my favorite tricks!)

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: It is constructed the same way as a split deck but the cards are not cut in half.
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