Quinte - Jean-Pierre Vallerino - Vanishing Inc. Magic shop


Trick by Jean-Pierre Vallerino
29.95 Possibly discontinued.
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Trick by Jean-Pierre Vallerino (29.95)

Possibly discontinued.
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With Quinte Card Flush, Jean-Pierre Vallarino gives us a stunning poker routine with a really devastating finale.
After having shown an astounding cheating poker deal with your spectators, you suggest to reveal the tricks used by cheaters.

In fact, you explain that cheaters can detect in a flash the interesting cards to be dealt. The difficult thing consists in the speed to do the trick. It has to be very fast and kept hidden just not to be caught. By all means, this technique is only used by cheaters. Magicians do not use these artifacts.

You close one of the ribbons built with ordinary cards and just make a magic gesture. When you show your cards once more, you are just holding a QUINTE FLUSH in a perfect order!

3 versions included: beginner, middle and pro


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