Signed Card

Trick by Dominique Duvivier
25.00 In stock.
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Signed Card

25.00 usd

Trick by Dominique Duvivier (25.00)

In stock.
Signed Card - magic
Signed Card Signed Card

An amazing twist on a classic with a kicker finish they'll never see coming.

With "Signed Card" by Dominique Duvivier, a playing card is selected, signed and lost in the deck. First the magician finds it and then the spectator finds their own card.

Then, the face of the playing card impossibly disappears. The card is now blank. It then reappears face up in the middle of the deck. It is their signed card! But now the entire deck of cards is completely blank.

This amazing card trick (also known as Carte Signée) has been one of Dominique Duvivier's most popular creations for years.

You get two Bicycle quality decks. This allows you to perform a special "Signed Cards PLUS". In this remastered version, you can now hand out the cards for examination (something that wasn't possible in the original effect).


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