Skynet Project - Marc Lavelle - Vanishing Inc. Magic shop

Skynet Project

Trick by Marc Lavelle
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Skynet Project

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Trick by Marc Lavelle (59.95)

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Skynet Project - magic
Skynet Project Skynet Project Skynet Project Skynet Project Skynet Project Skynet Project

In card magic, free choice is often an illusion, but for magicians and keen spectators, that illusion is easily broken.

Marc Lavelle's Skynet Project is the magician's ultimate tool for bringing in any freely chosen or thought-of card into play silently and secretly. It's an easy-to-manage utility index system that gives the user 100% unrestricted access to every card in the deck whenever and wherever they want!

You simply ask the spectator to think of any playing card. And before you can complete the sentence, "was there a reason you chose this card?", their thought-of card is quietly waiting on your palm, ready to be revealed using any method you have in your arsenal. No shuffling through a deck to find their card, no card sleights required - to them there isn't even a deck in play!

Skynet Project is by far, the easiest full-deck index available on the market. It's literally as easy as counting from 1,2,3. (Seriously, counting from 1 to 3 is part of the method). There is no memory work required, and best of all, unlike many other index systems, Marc Lavelle's Skynet Project requires no pocket space.

  • Easy to learn
  • Easy to use
  • Resets in seconds
  • Requires no pocket space
  • Comes with Marc Lavelle's signature opener
  • Stealthy and quiet
  • Invisible to spectators
  • No forcing or restrictions of any kind
  • Adds another layer of deception to routines you already perform
  • No gaffs, or thin cards necessary - all cards are standard and can be immediately examined or given away
  • Works with any deck
Initiate the Skynet System and fool even your toughest audiences.


Customer reviews for Skynet Project



Just received Skynet. This is brilliant! You really have access to all 52 cards. Any card called for. The gimmick is not what I expected it to be, but it’s very well made and can really last a long time. It’s not leather and doesn’t need to be in your pocket. The claim that it requires “virtually no pocket space” is true if we’re talking about just the actual gimmick. As Marc says it’s a “wearable item” that you can always have on you and be ready whenever. You can perform this in a T-shirt, sleeveless. The actual move is pretty quick, but you need time misdirection to get the specific card that you need. I can’t say anything more. Reset is easy. As with everything it requires practice but as long as you can confidently palm a mercury folded card you can do this! I wish they show more live performances and routines that involve billets, esp symbols, drawing duplication other than cards like what they show in the trailer. Teaching is still good and very straightforward. I can’t wait to play with this. Totally worth the money!



I would say the gimmick and method itself is true to the effect shown and it is really as easy access and quick as the promo video has shown. However, I would just like to add that the gimmick may not be for everyone nor would it be something that i personally would have on me all the time. I would be more comfortable with using something more casual to have on me like the insta'grab gimmick.

I think for the workers and pros this is a very good gimmick for you to have on you when doing your gigs.

A-plus for the worker but for hobbist it may not be as casual to carry it around... for me at least



It's really cool to bring about any card called for in seconds. However. This system is not For the hobbyist type magician. I have trouble getting to other effects that I'm normally to in seconds. This is definitely a working magicians gimmick. Theres a variety of ways to carry this. Unfortunately, I'm more of an on the spot kind of guy and none of them work for me. Very good system if your doing gigs though. I'm more of a "hang out" magician though so I wouldn't recommend this to those type of guys.


Community questions about Skynet Project

Have a question about this product? It's possible others do too. Ask here and other Vanishing Inc. Magic customers will be able to respond with assistance! Alternatively, email us and we can help too.

  • Peter asks: what does a purchaser receive? Idoes skynet include a vanishinginc download, a download on some other site, a pdf or something else? Is there a gimmick to be received by mail?

    • 1. Marc answers: Hi Peter - there is a gimmick (more of a utility) that you will receive with online instructions for ease of use!
    • 2. Kim answers: the gimmick you receive in my opinion is worth the money and not a flimsy piece of cardboard or something, I would not want to be making it myself any time soon!
    Post an answer to this question
  • Jordi asks: Is there a clothing restrictions? if we have to use a jacket or not

    • 1. Marc answers: Hi there! There are no real clothing requirements - jackets, waistcoats, t-shirts and hoodies are all fine! Short of wearing a onsie, you’ll be fine! Can easily be used with most women’s clothing as well!
    Post an answer to this question
  • Jesse asks: How many pockets do you need?

    • 1. SGKYDUYEN answers: You need one pocket for this trick
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  • Stephen asks: Do you need to destroy or fold any playing cards other than the gimmick

    • 1. SGKYDUYEN answers: The Skynet will come with everything you need for this trick so you don't need to fold your own card
    • 2. Danny answers: It does NOT come with the cards, you need to provide your own deck of cards
    Post an answer to this question
  • Shawn asks: Have an 8 year old that is wanting to learn this effect. Would it be easy enough for an 8 year old or what age do you recomend? Thanks

    • 1. SGKYDUYEN answers: In my opinion, it's easy to do so 8 years old can do it with some practice. The cards are folded so he (she) doesn't need a big hand.
    Post an answer to this question
  • Dylan asks: What are unique differences from this to The Advocate by Madison? (The Advocate taking up the pocket is my biggest gripe.)

    • 1. SGKYDUYEN answers: In my opinion, the Skynet will let you find a card faster than "The Advocate" and easier to do. The gimmick is not in your pocket. One more thing Skynet come with a very good routine
    Post an answer to this question
  • Tanner asks: Is it angle sensitive or easy to get caught using it?

    • 1. SGKYDUYEN answers: You can do it 360 degrees. It will be easier if you have some audience management skill.
    Post an answer to this question
  • Feras asks: Can the card be full sized unfolded, or does it have to be produced folded?

    • 1. SGKYDUYEN answers: The answer - It must be folded
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  • Lefty asks: Would it be practical for stage magic???? Lefty

    • 1. SGKYDUYEN answers: You can do it for Stage, but I think it will be better for close-up or parlor
    Post an answer to this question
  • Brian asks: How durable is the index? Made of plastic or cardboard?

    • 1. Ray answers: Here is your answer: 1. The gimmick is very durable and you can use it for a long time 2. The cards - they are a regular playing card and you can add your cards into the gimmick easily
    Post an answer to this question
  • Stephen asks: Can the pocket be on your trousers?

    • 1. Alec answers: yes! the pocket can be on trouser
    Post an answer to this question
  • Stephen asks: Do any cards need to be folded or destroyed

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: You need to provide your own cards.
    • 2. Kim answers: Shown in the video is a folded card, since you provide these cards used in the effect, you will have to fold them, but you can use it again!
  • Joseph asks: Can your one pocket be on your shirt upper chest?

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: Yes, it can be done with any opaque pocket.
  • Joseph asks: Your answer was not clear with the clothing. Are sleeves required for this trick or can you do it with short sleeves?

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: You can do it with short sleeves.
  • Antoine asks: Hello, this product interests me. But should we fold our 52 cards one by one? Thanks.

    • 1. SGKYDUYEN answers: You should fold your cards one by one
    Post an answer to this question
  • Steve asks: Two Qs: One reviewer said I'd need to "palm a mercury folded card." I can do the palm, but what's a "mercury folded card"? Another reviewer implied that with 52 folder cards (mercury or otherwise), the gimmick gets rather thick. Is that accurate?

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: For the purpose of this discussion, a "mercury folded card" is a card that has been folded in half twice. Without discussing the method, I will say that the Skynet gimmick does not get "thicker" when fully prepared (this is hard to discuss without exposing the secret—sorry!). I hope that helps!
    • 2. Kim answers: hmmm, "the gimmick gets thick", well, it does require some specific setup, the main suggestion is to attatch to a garment, i dont think it causes a problem atall, as long as you set up properly, also it does not really get bigger or smaller, not really! As seen in the trailer, the card produced is folded in quarters, that is how the cards are yes!
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