Sleight of Hand - Edwin Sachs - Vanishing Inc. Magic shop

Sleight of Hand

Book by Edwin Sachs
35.00 Possibly discontinued.
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Sleight of Hand

35.00 usd

Book by Edwin Sachs (35.00)

Possibly discontinued.
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Sleight of Hand by Edwin Sachs just might be the number one best book ever written on magic. The standard textbook on how to become a magician.

Sleight of hand feats and tricks with apparatus for amateur and profesional conjurers, and for both parlor and stage performance. This is the famous book that for many years has been the ultimate reference for anyone interested in magic by means of sleight of hand. All effects are performed with everyday objects or props that are easy to find: cards, coins, silks, etc. Magic of this kind can be performed anytime, anywhere.

Chapters include:

Chapter I - Palming
Chapter II - Tricks with Coins
Chapter III - Tricks with Common Objects
Chapter IV - Tricks with Cups and Balls
Chapter V - Tricks with Handkerchiefs
Chapter VI - Chinese Tricks
Chapter VII - Tricks at Table
Chapter VIII - Tricks with Cards
Chapter IX - General Remarks
Chapter X - The Table and Dress
Chapter XI - Sleights and Properties for General Use
Chapter XII - Tricks with Cards
Chapter XIII - Tricks with Handkerchiefs and Gloves
Chapter XIV - Tricks with Coins
Chapter XV - Miscellaneous
Chapter XVI - The Cornucopian Hat
Chapter XVII - Tricks with Watches and Live Stock
Chapter XVIII - Sham Mesmerism, Clairvoyance, &c.
Chapter XIX - Some Up-To-Date Tricks
Chapter XX - Final Instructions

...I beg to say that it is far and away the very best work of its kind ever published...I invariably recommend your book to all lovers of sleight-of-hand. Harry Kellar (This was taken from a letter written to Sachs from Harry Kellar.)
...My den contains a large collection of books on magic, but none has a cover so worn as Sleight of Hand, by Edwin Sachs. David Devant
Sachs Sleight of Hand is probably the single most complete book ever written on magic, certainly my favorite of the "classics". It includes both stage and close-up magic, chapters on technique, presentation, and all the peripheral skills necessary for great conjuring. John Carney

Bonus: Devant loved Sachs book so much that in the Third edition on, they included a new chapter, some of David's own sleight-of-hand to be included in this volume.

390 pages β€” Hardbound β€” 57 Illustrations


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