The Blanco Change - Allec Blanco - Vanishing Inc. Magic shop

The Blanco Change

Magic download (video) by Allec Blanco

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The Blanco Change

3.95 usd

Magic download (video) by Allec Blanco (3.95)

Alecc Blanco offers one of the coolest flourish changes we've come across in some time. A card is chosen and lost in the pack. A new card, not the selected card is shown. With a flick of the wrist and a spin between the hands, the card changes into the chosen card. This and many other beautiful possibilities are possible with The Blanco Change.


Customer reviews for The Blanco Change






I practiced this color change with others like jones change and Bertram change. After a while, the speed of doing this change was more efficient. It takes a while but worth it. I like it.


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