The Full Monty takes the infamous street hustle 'Find The Lady' and turbo charges it into a mind boggling display of magic. Oh, and it's SUPER EASY TO DO!!!
Picture this - you show four cards, a Queen and three Jokers. So far, so ordinary. But then you show the backs - to make it UBER fair, the Queen has QUEEN written across it's back (and it's green), and each Joker has JOKER (and they are red)!
All your spectator has to do is follow the Queen. Simple.
But then you make it EVEN EASIER. You offer to remove one of the Jokers. So now there are just two red backed Jokers (with JOKER printed indelibly on them) and one green backed Queen (with QUEEN written on it).
So would your audience bet on which card was the Queen now? You betcha.
Suddenly, it turns into a scam, and the packet changes into a rainbow of cards, all with 'QUEEN' written on the backs!
Then, before your spectators have a chance to even recover, you show that not only the backs changed, but now the faces, because there's not a single Queen or Joker in sight.
- Leave the cards with the spectators to examine.
- Includes 5 custom printed USPCC gaff cards, and DVD instructions.
Truly one of the best packet tricks I've ever seen. The ending fooled me so much, my head actually hurts! Iain Moran
Love it! Completely sucked me in! Never saw it coming! Jack Carpenter
Somebody stop this guy! Liam's taken a neo-classic, "Montinator 5.0," and arrived at another modern miracle. This trick surprised me and will fool you and everyone you know. Fractal card magic at its finest!John Bannon
Liam hammers home another STUNNING packet trick. With what really looks like no moves at all - EVERYTHING changes - the fronts, the backs, the values - EVERYTHING! It really is The FULL Monty!Dave Forrest