Tiny Plunger
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What do you get when three of magic's most innovative creators put their heads together? Tiny Plunger!
This unsuspecting little prop becomes the feature of an amazing trick. The small plunger clings to a thought-of number of cards, finds a selection, and lots more! Based on a concept by Mathieu Bich, with additional ideas by Jon Armstrong and Garrett Thomas, Tiny Plunger is that rare prop that is at once funny, amazing, and memorable. Best of all, the routine is within the range of the beginner.
This is the same routine that Jon Armstrong used on his 'Penn & Teller: Fool US' performance.
That little plunger fooled me" and went on to say That may be the only original card trick I've ever seenPenn Jillette
Includes instrictional DVD and a 'Tiny Plunger'
NOTE: This product no longer includes the gimmicked plunger. Non-gimmicked plunger comes in a variety of colors and are random.
Just got this today and after going through the dvd and playing with the plunger for like 15 mins I got the hang of it and now I have been playing with it almost all day smiling all the way. This is great product and amazing idea. Really easy stuff even for a beginner.
This trick is fantastic. I like that you are making a tiny plunger the star of the trick. There are so many funny lines that one can make up and use. This is a thoroughly entertaining routine that both adult and kids can enjoy. The video tutorial is great with the explanations very clear. I highly recommend this product.
very simple you can carry the plunger with you wherever you go and you have a great trick with an ordinary deck with one tiny tweak that can be done in front of the spectator would have been nice if two plungers were included other than that very nice !!
Absolutely brilliant! Such a useful and well-crafted trick with almost no sleight of hand. The trick can be used for your own effect such as an ace-cutting routine where the plunger does all the work or a prediction effect. Well worth the money, a must buy and absoluted credit to the 3 magicians who created this.
Their is one way I can explain this trick, BRILLIANT! The tiny plunger is something you have to add to your Arsenal, it's just amazing. The coolest part about the tiny plunger is that it does not use a gimmick. The old one did but I personally think it's much cooler without the gimmick. Jon Armstrong teaches you his personal routine to the plunger. Mathew Bich teaches you how to do it if you have the gimmicked plunger, he even teaches you how to do it with a pen! The brainstorm session is very good and gives you a handful of great ideas. The trick only uses one principal and with that there's endless possibilities with it. The trick is not on the easier side, it's simple but it takes practice and patients.other than that, all you need for this is any deck of cards. Also it's a comedic routine, so you will get some good laughs. Other than that, I highly recommend this trick.
Well, first this is an awsome product. It is very clever, the dvd is of excellent quality containing lot of material and different ideas. The plunger is of lovely quality and the routine is pretty easy to do! thank you guys!
Super cool and different that is so new and is a big sell out at any point in your close up act it has power that no one would expect. The knowledge will be yours and because it is still and small! group of friends will remember you! show what you can do with a great magician toy!
Really good idea, so many things you can do with this. Comes with 2 plungers and a DVD, you get a couple of different performances and explanations for each performance, i have not really looked at the DVD too much. I recommend, this is the first trick i have done to my mother that impressed her, mostly because anyone can do it, i even won $20. Well worth it, easy. Buy it now.
Gotta say, i bought this expect an extremely difficult, but fun routine and ended up with simple, but amazing routine that i will always perform for audiences now, since my ourchase i have already come up with a couple of variations for myself with the plunger, so i would strongly recommend the tiny plunger to any card fan and magic fan in general due to how much fun it is to perform.
I got this trick three days ago, and I absolutely love it. It didn't take me long to learn, though I am still working out some kinks. I have shown this to my dad a couple times, and he still is confounded about how it goes to the correct card. At first I had trouble with picking up cards, but once I got a new deck, I had no problems. I would highly recommend this trick. It is so fun to do.
Have a question about this product? It's possible others do too. Ask here and other Vanishing Inc. Magic customers will be able to respond with assistance! Alternatively, email us and we can help too.
Jeffrey S asks: The description references coming with 2 plungers and they are obviously gimmicked. Then there is a new note that states "This product no longer includes the gimmicked plunger. Non-gimmicked plunger comes in a variety of colors and are random." Confusing description. So what does it really come with and if one needs a gimmicked plunger, are instructions given into how to gimmick the plungers?
Nico asks: does the trick come with a deck of cards, or just one plunger and the DVD?
Will asks: What colour is the bicycle card back for this trick? Red or blue?
Rahman asks: Is it a dvd
Steven asks: Does the dvd teach you the same routines as the Tenyo trick? Or are these routines different? In other words, if I already own the tenyo trick, would I gain by purchasing this dvd?
Cory asks: what color options for the plunger?
Linus asks: Does this trick need skilled slight of hand? I am new to magic and i want to perform this in front of me elememtary school class.
Carter asks: What if I can’t play the dvd??
Jimi asks: Curious. What are the measurements of the plunger? How tall is it?
Stephen asks: As I don't have any method for playing DVDs now, is it possible to get as a download?
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