Ben Earl's Trade Secrets Project - Vanishing Inc. Magic shop

Ben Earl's Trade Secrets Project

By Benjamin Earl
All 5 Magic download (video)s for 75.00 (SAVE $25.00)
Also available individually

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Ben Earl's Trade Secrets Project

75.00 usd

By Benjamin Earl

All 5 Magic download (video)s for 75.00 (SAVE $25.00) | Also available individually

Trade secrets from a master of his craft are finally being revealed.

Benjamin Earl is a world-renowned performer, creator and teacher that has fooled Penn & Teller and regularly amazes audiences around the world and magic greats like David Blaine. Now, in conjunction with Studio52, Ben Earl will be sharing the years of experience, techniques and psychology behind his innovative magic for the first time ever.

Trade Secrets is a one-of-a-kind chance to learn directly from a master card magician. Its like getting private one-on-one lessons on five key card magic sleights that can make ANY card trick better: The Combination Shuffle, The Overhand DPS, Finessed Frank Thompson Cut, False Swing Cut and Deceptive Card Control.

Beyond teaching you the mechanics of each move in meticulous detail, Ben also dives into the psychology of how to maximize the impact on every audience. The Trade Secrets Project offers you the tools to conduct sleight of hand so flawlessly, it's essentially undectable. In essence, you'll create real magic.

You can buy each video individually for a fraction of the cost of a private lesson. Or, for the ultimate savings, get all five downloads at a discounted price with the Trade Secrets: Covert Collection. This is an UNBEATABLE value.

"Ben Earl has turned his analytical mind toward the fundamentals of sleight of hand and we all benefit. His clear vision, fresh approach and articulate explanations are a level above. When Ben speaks, I listen!" David Williamson

"Trade Secrets are a must have if you want to take your magic to the next level. Ben is a great teacher and a true magic master. This a no-brainer...get these!" Bill Malone

"Trade Secrets represents a deeper level of thinking and analysis on the impeccable execution of sleight of hand. Who better to be our coach than Benjamin Earl. This new series is simply outstanding." Michael Vincent


Also available individually:

Trade Secrets #1 - The Combination Shuffle


The Combination Shuffle is a false overhand shuffle that is so remarkably deceptive, you will regularly fool yourself. Done correctly, it's almost impossible to believe that the cards haven't actually been mixed up. This will be a permanent fixture in your card magic repertoire.

Trade Secrets #2 - The Overhand DPS


By integrating the Diagonal Palm Shift into the action of a casual Overhand Shuffle, Ben has a created an amazingly natural way to control, palm and steal cards—all while simultaneously preserving the top stock.

Trade Secrets #3 - Finessed Frank Thompson Cut


While the Frank Thompson False Cut already beautifully blended simplicity and deceptiveness, Ben's handling makes this beloved classic better than ever. He offers a full breakdown of a beautiful tabled version of this cut, as well as an elegant and fluid four-card production that can be done with it.

Trade Secrets #4 - False Swing Cut


Ben explores all of the important touches and subtleties that make this completely innocent-looking False Swing Cut a deceptive powerhouse. You'll learn both the mechanics and several practical applications including a Triple False Swing Cut, bottom stock control and more.

Trade Secrets #5 - Deceptive Card Control


A masterclass in making the act of controlling a card to the top of the deck as deceptive as possible. While the moves themselves are well within the range of a beginner magician, the true value in this magic download is the expert touches, techniques and psychology Ben employs to transform a simple approach into a miracle.


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  • Edward asks: are all 5 of these within the grasp of a beginner?

    • 1. Jim answers: No,, unless the beginner is willing to study diligently and practice a lot.
    Post an answer to this question
  • Kong asks: what is the different between The Combination Shuffle and the Real Optical Shuffle by ben earl in the book less is more? they look so similar, the main skill in this two shuffle is the same?

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: They are very similar, but there are some key differences.
  • Iain asks: Anyone know the running time on these videos?

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: Each video is roughly 45-60 minutes long. There is a ton of content overall!
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