Unliftable: The Light-Heavy Deck

Trick by Javier Franco and Iñaki
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Unliftable: The Light-Heavy Deck

29.95 usd

Trick by Javier Franco and Iñaki (29.95)

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Unliftable: The Light-Heavy Deck - magic
Unliftable: The Light-Heavy Deck Unliftable: The Light-Heavy Deck Unliftable: The Light-Heavy Deck Unliftable: The Light-Heavy Deck Unliftable: The Light-Heavy Deck

Magic they can literally feel. Take away their strength on your command.

“Unliftable” is an incredible light-heavy deck that allows you to easily perform an amazing close-up version of the iconic stage illusion.

You show that the deck can be lifted as normal. They can even lift it themselves. But, then, on your command, it becomes impossible to lift. No matter how hard they try, they won’t be able to lift the box. Of course, you are then able to lift it again whenever you want.

No magnets. No threads. No elastics.

“Unliftable” by Iñaki enables you to give every audience a visceral experience that they’ll never forget. It comes ready to go and is super easy to use. The cards can then be used for all your favorite card tricks.

You'll receive the "Unliftable" gimmick in a Bicycle Red box, but it can be easily transferred to any other poker-sized box.


Customer reviews for Unliftable: The Light-Heavy Deck



The gimmick is so satisfying! I love it! It is exactly as sown in the trailer. The only negative is that you can perform it only on smooth surface, but in my opinion it’s not too much of an issue. I always carry it with me as a normal case and whenever I have the opportunity I use it. I think it’s more a funny gag or game to play with spectators than a real magic trick. I use it with a feather, I first set the box empty on the table and I lift it, then I put the feather inside and I show that now it’s impossible to lift. Great trick, I totally recommend it. No skill required, just presentation.



Great trick, easy to do once you practice what the Video teaches you, nice close up trick



Glad I got this, its probably a bit over priced, but its great to do, even for a heavy handed person like me. Great for the pub. You do need to find a smooth surface to perform though.



I was intrigued by the concept of a light/heavy deck. Several years ago I purchased a light/heavy chest for Parlor shows, but this deck is so great for impromptu settings. It works very well. I was quite surprised that the gimmick for this worked. There was a good deal of work and experimentation to get this idea to market. I’ve used it successfully on hard wood polished, oak and glass top tables. It works as advertised and in my estimation is quite sturdy. With some care it should last quite a long time. I can recommend this for purchase, if like me, you enjoy the expressions of surprise on your Spectators faces. There are many presentational ideas to be explored with this prop. The price is very fair for what you receive. Enjoy!



I love this trick. So fun and easy to perform and so much fun to watch people's faces as they try to lift the deck and then you just pick it up. Love it!!



I love it. It's portable and easy to work. No setup or slight of hand required.



This trick is a lot of fun. Definitely worth the money. It isn't something you're going to feature, but as a casual "here, would you open the box and shuffle the cards" kind of incidental, it's great.



I LOVE IT! Yes it is worth every penny you spend, super simple and super easy to master. This is only limited by your imagiation on ways to use in your show. Just perfect!



I really like this idea. Some will look as this as a "one trick pony" but I don't agree. There are a lot of different paths you can take as far as routine and patter with this. Most magi, and perhaps some spectators will suspect the obvious implied method used in this trick. However, the fact that the deck can be spun and moved around on the surface seemingly friction free, I think, helps greatly to hide the method. I think it's a very creative approach to a classic plot in magic. You'll get some use out of this!



I just received the product and i believe it works almost just like tenyo gravity box effect which i had at one time but with a regular card box.

It is a good trick but no mention of Tenyo anywhere I might not of purchased it if that was mentioned maybe that’s why it wasnt



This is actually my second review. In my first review I said that it didn't take much effort to pick up the box. This was slightly incorrect as I had not put a deck of cards in the box itself and tried to lift it. With a deck in the box, it is very difficult to pick up. Unfortunately I have found another problem: With the cards in the case, I put the case in the box that it comes in, but a few days later when I removed it from the box and tried to use it, I found it doesn't work at all, or rather, it seems to work randomly. So, the end of my first review still stands: I can't trust it, so therefore will not be using it. Maybe I just got a bad gimmick?



It's OK. The one I received through the post, the bit that you're supposed to use to allow you to pick the box up, had a crease across it, in fact it was almost doubled over. The gimmick itself was totally out of line with the box, so you can see it when the box is sat on the table. ( I know it can be taken off and used on another box, but still would have been nice if it came ready to work 'out of the box') I've tried it on a few surfaces and just a little extra effort and you can lift the box off the surface. It just pops off. (maybe because of my damaged bit?) I liked the idea of it as a lead into a hypnosis routine, but unfortunately I can't trust it, so won't be using it.



I wouldn’t say unliftable , with little to no effort on any surface I used was able to pick it up. Had higher hopes but I guess it was a coin toss on this one that I lost too.


Community questions about Unliftable: The Light-Heavy Deck

Have a question about this product? It's possible others do too. Ask here and other Vanishing Inc. Magic customers will be able to respond with assistance! Alternatively, email us and we can help too.

  • João asks: How durable is it? And if it "breaks", how easy is it to repair?

    • 1. Javier answers: The deck is a reinforcer Bicycle deck, but if it gets damaged after a lot of use, you can remove the gimmick and put it in another deck, you just have to take care of the gimmick, carrying it in its box you will have no problems and it will last a long time.
    • 2. João answers: Thank you brother!
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  • Howard asks: Can it be done on a close up pad or does it have to be a flat hard table surface?

    • 1. Javier answers: You can use it on smooth, non-porous surfaces. Generally, anywhere you find yourself doing magic, you will have a suitable surface. In the instructions, we indicate the best surfaces to use it.
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  • Anna asks: Is it truly impossible to lift and can they slide it off the table? Thanks

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: It is truly impossible to lift. But yes, they could slide it off the table. But that isn't lifting. :)
  • Peter asks: Are the instructions available right away or do we have to wait to get it?

    • 1. Javier answers: Inside the box you will find instructions in videos and also text.
    • 2. Enoch answers: My instructions appeared immediately in my Product Instruction page by my account as well as with the actual trick.
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  • Matthew asks: Does it come with everything needed to perform this? And can the box be easily replaced without needing other materials? I live in the UK and read on the cafe something about specific materials being needed that might not be easy to obtain

    • 1. Javier answers: You only need the deck to do it, the gimmick is in it. You can replace the deck by removing the gimmick and sticking it on another deck with just double tape. You don't need anything extra. Just do the trick on a smooth, non-porous surface.
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  • George asks: Are there really no magnets involved?

    • 1. Javier answers: Yes, there are no magnets, no glue, or any type of electronics! It's really clever.
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  • Mariano asks: Could a spectator break the gimmick by pulling too hard?

    • 1. Javier answers: If they apply a lot of force, they can break it, just like they would break anything else. We advise against presenting it as a challenge.
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  • Roel asks: Can the deck be examined?

    • 1. Javier answers: The gimmick is so great that it is almost imperceptible, you can give them the deck without problems, and they can take out the cards themselves and put them back, they won't see anything strange. This way they will be examining it without saying "check that there is nothing strange".
    • 2. Roel answers: Hi Javier, thanks for your answer. I forgot to ask if the card box also can be examined or only the deck? Thanks!
    • 3. Roy answers: First, the light-heavy deck is really a great idea. I love it and will enjoy the routine that I have in mind using. Second, after spending considerable time with it, I disagree with the comment that it's completely examinable. The gimmick is easily detectable when examined by a spectator. If nothing else, the person holding the deck is going to at least ask about it. When you see the video presentation of the person presenting the deck, none of the spectators seem to question the performer or ask to see the deck. I'll have to figure out a way to introduce it, allow spectators to participate, and then remove it ASAP before someone asks to examine the deck. If someone disagrees with my comments, your thoughts are most welcomed.
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  • Ciaran asks: How quiet is it ?

    • 1. Javier answers: It is totally silent, there are no noises involved.
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  • Gary asks: Can the card box be examined?

    • 1. Javier answers: The gimmick is so great that it is almost imperceptible, you can give them the deck without problems, and they can take out the cards themselves and put them back, they won't see anything strange. This way they will be examining it without saying "check that there is nothing strange".
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  • Tony asks: Can the box be handed out to the spectator or do you need to switch to an un-gimmicked box?

    • 1. Javier answers: Yes, you can give them the box without problems, and they can take out the cards themselves, shuffle and examine it, then put them back, and they won't see anything strange. This way they will be examining the box without saying "check that there is nothing strange in the box". Although you will see that if you say, examine the box, and they do it quickly, they will not see anything strange either.
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  • Don asks: Hey all, This looks totally crazy! Can the gimmick be added to other objects for the same effect? As always, thanks!

    • 1. Javier answers: You can change the gimmick to another deck of cards of the same color, not to another object. In the instructions, we explain how to do it.
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  • Jay asks: Can spectators look under the table?

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: All day long. There's nothing under the table.
  • Dale asks: May I use a Phoenix deck? ~ Dale Ohio

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: Unliftable does not come with cards inside. You can put any type of cards in it, but the box comes empty.
  • Michael asks: Would Acrylic Plastic be suitable to do the effect. Instead of glass.

    • 1. Jim answers: It should work well.
    • 2. Javier answers: Not only acrylic or plastic, it works on many surfaces: melamine, wood, marble, metal, any smooth and non-porous surface.
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  • Joel asks: I read somewhere this works even better with your phone. Can the gimmick be transferred to a an iPhone instead of a deck?

    • 1. Javier answers: You can put the box on a phone and when you lift it you will also lift the phone. Can be transferred to another deck of cards of the same color, not to another object.
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  • Don asks: Attn: Javier. I just saw a video on YouTube demonstrating how this can be done with phones, small glass bowls, etc. Is this a slightly different version of the original?

    • 1. Javier answers: Unliftable has many years of development and testing to end up in this improved, fail-safe final product. You may find videos explaining how to do it yourself, but it will really be very difficult for you to do it like this version. It will happen to you that if you make it yourself they will be able to lift it easily, and you don't want that.
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  • James asks: Hi There, I'm seeing a lot of "non-pourous surfaces". Is it safe to assume that you cannot perform this on a table with linens on them?

    • 1. Javier answers: No, you cannot do it on a table with linens or card mat.
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  • John asks: can you go straight into a card trick using cards from the case?

    • 1. Jens Martin answers: Yes.
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