Following the incredible success of A Trip to Cancun and A Trip to the Circus, George Iglesias and Twister Magic are thrilled to introduce A Letter...
A fun and engaging routine that's perfect for parlor shows or virtual magic shows! This delightful routine uses easily-recognizable emojis and is...
Strat-o-Sponge is a fun and unique take on U.F. Grant's classic "Strat-o-Spheres" trick that uses sponge balls and offers a delightful and...
Instantly transform a silk into an adorable puppy with Silk to Puppy! Offered as part of Alan Wong's delightful Silk to Animal series (which also...
Using canes in their acts has been a long tradition with magicians. The Color Changing Cane (3x) allows you to twirl it like a normal cane, but then...
Flower Pot V2 to Blendo (Thank you) is a fun finale...or a great applause que for your stage show. The magician shows a beautiful bunch of big,...
Escape Card is a super easy and fun effect that is ideal for kid's magic shows or beginner magicians. You can easily carry it in your pocket...
Playing cards are cascaded onto the table in a chaotic mess. The magician then covers them with a cloth and then quickly removes it. Once the cloth...
Modernize your stage magic with the phenomenal Laptop Production from JL Magic. This super thin laptop can produce a variety of items in a modern...
Metal Reel Pouring is a shiny metallic ribbon throw streamer pack that makes for a great finale to any show. Perfect for kids show or stage magic...
Great for kid's show performances or parlor magic shows. The magician draws attention to an opaque tube resting on a black base. There are three...
A delightful guessing-game style routine that will keep children engaged and excited! MusiClowns features 3 identical clowns with trumpets. It...
Mummy Magic is a fun and hilarious effect with multiple phases that audiences of all ages will enjoy. The magician freely shows the mummy's tomb on...
Combining the legendary Pac-Man video game with the classic Multiplying Dots effect, Marcos Cruz has created an innovative new take on an popular...
An amazingly magical banner that you'll use at every children's birthday party or children's magic show. Super easy to set up, even easier to...
At first glance, this looks like any other regular straw. That is until you're able to make it impossibly start to absorb milk, or any other...
A fun and hilarious new take on the Hippity Hop Rabbits. This is a must-have effect for any children's magic performer. Throughout this...
An amazing and hilarious Monte routine built exclusively for kids shows! Rabbit on the Rainbow is a super fun three-phase routine from Juan Pablo...
A complete sellout at Blackpool, this is undoubtedly one of the biggest releases of the year. With this special Sharpie in your pocket, you're...
Who better to write a book on performing magic shows for Cub Scouts than one of the very few in the magic community who’s a Cub Scout leader, a...
Download this free sample of Be More Funny to get a taste of Chris Barnes' terrific new book!
Funniest. Wand. Ever. This is one of the funniest magic wands you'll ever use because the sight gag plays really big. When you give this...
A case study of successful Punch and Judy routines, Puppets with Punch by Tony Green deserves to be in the library of aspiring and expert...
If you do work with doves or plan on it in the future, check out Tricks & Stunts with a Rubber Dove. This comprehensive text details how you...
Add the spirit of Christmas and Santa to your shows with this Christmas Stocking Change Bag! This beautiful velvet bag will get your...