Sneaker Juice - David Kaye - Vanishing Inc. Magic shop

Sneaker Juice

Magic download (video) by David Kaye
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Sneaker Juice

12.00 usd

Magic download (video) by David Kaye (12.00)

Multiple Choice: What is Sneaker Juice?

a) What you get when you pour water into a kid’s sneaker

b) A disgusting drink that makes kids go “EEEWWW!”

c) A hilarious trick by Silly Billy aka David Kaye

d) All of the above

If you guessed ALL OF THE ABOVE, you’re right.

Borrow a sneaker from a young audience member, pour in water, then insert a small plastic cup. When you extract the cup, it’ll be filled with echhy water. But the sneaker will be completely dry. Should you drink the Sneaker Juice? Watch the video and see what happens when Silly Billy himself performs this classic trick transformed into a crazy kids routine!

Sneaker Juice really captures and holds kids’ attention. It looks like a kid's sneaker is “at risk,” and the delightfully disgusting ending makes kids wonder...

  • “Was it really sneaker juice?”
  • “Did he really drink it?”
  • “How did the juice get into that cup?”

This AmazeKids video download stars the inimitable Silly Billy as he performs and teaches one of his favorite bits. It’s straight from his birthday party show repertoire and, because you can download it now, it can be in your show tomorrow. All you’ll need is some small plastic cups, water, and a sneaker or shoe.

Use Silly Billy’s routine or make up your own. Either way, making a batch of Sneaker Juice at your next kids party will be the formula to make kids laugh out loud; as they wonder “How did you do that?”


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