400 Lux (Download)
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Causing your money to multiply is, perhaps, the most iconic trick in magic. In the past you needed a gimmick, glue, and lots of preparation to make this trick happen. “400 Lux” is COMPLETELY impromptu and uses no gimmicks of any kind. You change four EXAMINABLE one-dollar bills into four EXAMINABLE hundred dollar bills.
Creator Kyle Littleton takes you through every step of the process. The routine is easy to learn, easy to perform, and imminently practical, since it uses just eight normal bills. It’s possibly even stronger than gimmicked versions as the bills can be examined before and after, and the change looks just as magical!
"It's a beautiful thing when sleights can flawlessly replace a gimmick! Kyle Littleton's "400 Lux" is a great alternative to all the "Easy Money" variations. "400 Lux" is pure magic done with pure sleight of hand!" Karl Hein
This is a digital DOWNLOAD and not a physical DVD
Running time: 25 minutes
Love it first of all I’ve learned it I’ve performed it and I think is the most practical build pack a change after extreme burn and I really like the fact that it’s with no gimmick and everything is examinable and it’s so freaking good
Very well done! Great video and easy to follow!
Very good! Teaching is great!! Going to make a set and put this in on my walk around has son has I get it down.
I’ve always been impressed with Kyle’s work. But this new variation on an old plot is absolutely diabolical and extremely simple. That is if you have the boldness and keen attention to using misdirection and your true magician skills to its fullest capabilities. This is NOT a self-working “trick”. This requires skill in psychology & audience management. I’ve seen and used many techniques in this particular plot of magic….but Kyle’s is the most organic and with zero gaffs! When I say zero gaffs….I mean it. Whatever the technique looks like to someone learning it…bottom line: there are no flaps…no glue…no tape….no arts and crafts involved…no trap doors of unnatural development (so to speak) to hide the method. This is, by far, the BEST bill/cash effect I have seen in a very long time!!!
Kudos to Kyle Littleton for 400 LUX. It's a gimmick-less and beautifully thought-out bill change you can always carry in your pocket and do at a moment's notice. I think anyone can thoroughly master this within a few days. With just a little dedicated effort, I have a nice, assured feel for it. Plus, 400 LUX gave me an excuse to go out and buy a cool money clip! The clip is not only decorative; it gives me the perfect way to end the routine "clean." Without giving too much away, let me just note that by reaching into my pocket to retrieve the clip, I have the perfect opportunity to ditch the incriminating evidence, so to speak. Well done, Kyle!
I love it, and it works with my currency (Moroccan Dirham) where the bills have the same width, but different lengths :)
Have a question about this product? It's possible others do too. Ask here and other Vanishing Inc. Magic customers will be able to respond with assistance! Alternatively, email us and we can help too.
Mike asks: How difficult is this to perform?
Tony asks: Does the download teach you how to make your own gimmicks?
John asks: Can you use four bills that you get from the audience to do this?
Jeremy R asks: Does this work with UK polymer/plastic banknotes?
jacques asks: does this trick work with normal paper ?
Nathan asks: 400 Lux : is it available completed, no arts and crafts? Thanks.
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