B.C.U.S. - Kyle Purnell - Vanishing Inc. Magic shop


Magic download (video) by Kyle Purnell
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12.00 usd

Magic download (video) by Kyle Purnell (12.00)

When Kyle Purnell first showed us his Business Card Utility Sleight, or 'B.C.U.S.', our eyes popped! We watched him do it again and still, we were amazed! Imagine this, you draw an image of Pacman on the back of a business card in permanent ink. Then, the ink VISIBLY moves across the card, as it is gently shaken, without any cover whatsoever. This is fun, visual magic at it's best. 

'B.C.U.S.' is a utility move that can be applied to any number of routines. On the download, which runs for over 20 minutes, you will learn how to perform Kyle's signature moving ink effect, a color change with a playing card and a torn and restored where the last piece seems to visually melt back! Kyle is a great teacher and teaches the necessary move in four easy to follow steps which will have you doing it in just a few minutes.

  • Impromptu
  • Perfect for business cards, billets, playing cards, and more!
  • Visual
  • Easy to learn

Best effect I saw at Magi-Fest... Simple and Direct magic. Love it.Ryan Schlutz
This is one of those rare instances where the method is just as awesome as the effect. Don't release this Kyle, I want to keep it for myself!Josh Janousky

Running time: 23 mins

Customer reviews for B.C.U.S.



I completely agree with both of the quotes (from Josh Janousky and Ryan Schlutz) that are displayed on this page.

Kyle has released an awesome effect/sleight that accomplishes one of the most visual effects you can perform (moving ink) with no gimmicks and a little bit of sleight of hand.

Highly recommended.


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