Blend - Julio Montoro - Vanishing Inc. Magic shop


Magic download (video) by Julio Montoro

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10.00 usd

Magic download (video) by Julio Montoro (10.00)

With Blend, you will be able to perform a visual gem using just a pack of chewing gum. You can give an impossible gift to the spectator, which they will keep as a souvenir.

In the first phase, you tear off the top of the gum packet, and restore it in an impossible way. In the second phase, you move all the gum in the most visual way possible to make the strangest gum pack that your audience has ever seen.

This is what modern magic looks like!

Cool points to know about Blend:

  • Instantly examinable without any switch. WHAT YOU SEE IN THE TRAILER IS WHAT HAPPENS.
  • The gimmick is so well thought out that it will make you smile while you watch the explanation.
  • The explanation video is shot in HD and covers everything in great detail.
Download Blend now and you will be smiling in less than 1 minute.

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