Flurious - Gary Kurtz - Vanishing Inc. Magic shop


Magic download (video) by Gary Kurtz

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7.50 usd

Magic download (video) by Gary Kurtz (7.50)

Flurious is Gary Kurtz's signature effect and we're thrilled to bring it to you as a streaming video.

What is Flurious? You've probably seen a one-coin flurry routine where the perform makes a coin vanish and re-appear a number of times, well Flurious is an incredible routine with a jumbo coin. It all happens very quickly, but looks absolutely amazing!

Running time: 18 minutes, 30 seconds.


Customer reviews for Flurious







Top notch instruction in the advanced sleights and choreography required for this amazing routine; that's old but not dated in terms of value in those terms; getting to SEE the moves and movements multiplies the learning by a factor of approximately infinity; for anyone interested in sleight of hand with coins (as I have been for about 65 years since having Derek Dingle demonstrate Spellbound for me at Harry Smith's Arcade Magic and Novelty Shop in Toronto in the late 1960s) this is GOLD; like the videos of Slydini doing the coins...thanks for making this available!


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