The Vault - Dis Jointed - Paul Harris - Vanishing Inc. Magic shop

The Vault - Dis Jointed

Magic download (video) by Paul Harris

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The Vault - Dis Jointed

10.00 usd

Magic download (video) by Paul Harris (10.00)

Wanna freak your audience out?

Dis Jointed is a revolutionary new method for "Shinko's classic Arm Twist" that turns the screws on the scream factor.

Dis Jointed gives you the freakish ability to twist your normal arm 360 degrees around with bone-crunching sound. Then there's a heart-stopping "pop" as you physically break your elbow at the joint! You then complete the dislocation by shoving your shoulder back into your arm socket. The freak-fest ends with one more 360-degree twist of your arm, as your shocked spectators watch your bones snap back into place!

  • Dis Jointed can be performed by anybody with normal body parts
  • No pre-set
  • No hand switches
  • No misdirection
  • No pain
For the ultimate freak-out, perform Shinko's original arm twist first... and then drop them to their knees with Dis Jointed! Some freaks are born. Others are made. The best are... DIS JOINTED!

Download the video and let the screaming begin!


Customer reviews for The Vault - Dis Jointed



This is not bad. The method is very simple, so literately anyone with 2 functioning arms will be able to perform the effect. However, since the method is sooo simple, it’s not fool proof, as in if a spectator decides to follow you, and do exactly what you do, they will be able to figure out the effect. So over all, is is a very simple and fairly effective routine.


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