M.O.X - Sultan Orazaly - Vanishing Inc. Magic shop


Magic download (video) by Sultan Orazaly

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4.95 usd

Magic download (video) by Sultan Orazaly (4.95)

A hyper visual gem that will leave your brain fried.

The creative mind of Sultan Orazaly is on full display with this incredible jumping X effect. The X bounces from the box to your hand in a totally impossible way. Pair "MOX" with "Double Cross" for a surefire stunner that ends with an X on their hands!

Fun to build. Easy to use.

Download now to start learning "M.O.X" by Sultan Orazaly today!


Customer reviews for M.O.X



This is a great addition if you are already doing cards in your walkaround/close up set, also if you're performing Double Cross this can add another layer to that. It can add a nice transition between your card set into other magic or as a strong opening trick. 


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