Alarmed - Noel Qualter - Vanishing Inc. Magic shop


DVD by Noel Qualter
57.65 Out of stock. Email me when new stock arrives.
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57.65 usd

DVD by Noel Qualter (57.65)

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Alarmed is an incredible prediction effect that ends with your spectator receiving an impossible souvenir.

Your spectator imagines an alarm clock sitting on their bedside table. They name any day of the week and any time (there is no force). You draw a clock depicting the selected time and day and ask your spec if this is what they imagined. You now reach in to your pocket and remove a photo of an old style digital alarm clock radio. The alarm clock in the photo shows the exact time and day the spectator just thought of!

Alarmed comes complete with 50 x custom photo gimmicks (refills are available) and an instructional DVD outlining multiple routines and handling tips.


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