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Andalusian Challenge

Trick by Julio Montoro and Elias D'Sastre
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Andalusian Challenge

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Trick by Julio Montoro and Elias D'Sastre (29.95)

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Andalusian Challenge - magic
Andalusian Challenge Andalusian Challenge Andalusian Challenge Andalusian Challenge Andalusian Challenge

A new approach to the Chinese Charming Challenge that doesn't need an extra coin. Welcome to "Andalusian Challenge" by Elias D'Sastre and Julio Montoro.

Four main phases highlighted by a stunning finale allow your participant to not only see the impossible, but also feel and hear it. This is destined to be your new favorite way to perform the classic of magic.

Comes with the ribbon and dollar size coins, as well as a step by step video that teaches you everything you need to know.


Customer reviews for Andalusian Challenge



Troy Hooser's Charming Chinese Challenge has become a classic staple in magic and for good reason: it's a beautifully choreographed routine. It's one weakness (for me) was the load of the extra coin. The closing of the 3 coin fan in the way Troy describes it just never felt right even though I have performed the routine many times. I love the idea of the Andalusian Challenge because it solves a few issues; especially that initial move.

I will be replacing CCC with Andalusian Challenge at some point, but, you might wonder why I only rate it as "good." I'm glad you asked!

I think I've been spoiled by Craig Petty's method of teaching. The "good" rating here is because of the way the routine is taught and there is an issue with the ribbon..

1. The camera moves all over the place. Cameras need to be steady. Frequently, the camera moves or blurs at crucial moments. Julio's handling itself is beautiful but the camera needs to be steady and remain in focus.

2. For a few moves, there should be an over the shoulder shot. I can't go into any detail because of exposure issues but, the move of the ribbon for the second coin is rushed and really needs a performer's view.

3. The ribbon is not smooth in Andalusian Challenge and the ends are frayed. The main issue is that the ribbon that comes with the CCC DVD is smooth and the third phase of Julio's routine involves a beautiful thing from Greg Wilson's "Ring Leader." The problem is that because the ribbon is not smooth, there is a "noise" that simply should not happen. So, it looks like I'll be hitting a craft store for a ribbon with no weave thus eliminating the friction that causes a zipping noise.

4. The packaging for this routine is basically a sort of small tyvek-like potato crisp bag. The coins - which are very nice - are individually wrapped which is a nice touch. However, the ribbon is wrapped around a little piece of cardboard. Upon unwinding it, it is kinked as you might expect. (Do not lose the cardboard sports fans because the link to the tutorial is printed on it).

5. Because the angle is strictly from an audience perspective, there is a move in the fourth phase that is very difficult to coordinate. I am digging into the literature to learn it properly. That said, I don't think that I should go on a wumpus hunt when a simple change in angle would have solved the issue.

So, what is excellent about the routine?

It is very clean and uses physics and gravity to achieve some wonderful effects. (Pardon the intentional pun). There are no difficult moves at all and the routine, like CCC, packs small and can play big. It is clear that Julio is proud of this CCC variant and his handling is so very smooth.

I do recommend Andalusian Challenge. Even with the pesky ribbon and sometimes dodgy camera work, I have a pretty good grasp of the routine after an hour of work. Assuming I find a good smooth ribbon, this could be performance-ready in a week or two.

Julio credits all of the moves and his finesses on them demonstrate sound theory.

In conclusion, I realise that this company is a new venture for publisher Elias D'Sastre and I predict he will be very successful. I also suspect that to keep costs down, Elias chose the type of packaging. This routine deserves better Elias. Please at least, in future endeavours, use a tripod mounted camera as well as performer view angles?

All of that said, I am happy with Andalusian Challenge. It is a worthy addition and does it papa (CCC) quite proud.



This is a pretty good product. The teaching is great and the video production is clear. The method of only needing 3 coins is pretty clever. I don't love the coins to be honest they seem to have this sticky quality and the coins don't slide when pressed against each other. I prefer using my CCC coin set for this. All in all not bad at all. I really enjoy performing this effect and I can recommend it with some reservations around the coins itself. Update Oct 2023 - I have increased the rating from 3 to 4 stars due to the fact that I have been handling the coins quite a bit and they have lost the sticky quality that I was referring to initially. The coins have become a bit softer and there is less friction. Perhaps there was some sort of residue from the manufacturing process. But they are working perfectly.

VI Monthly


I LOVE Troy Hooser's CCC and I was so excited to to learn some new moves to add to my CCC routine.

The moves are pretty good and nothing is to difficult. Most of them can be done stand-alone (depending on how many coins you are "holding"). This allows you to build a very fluid presentation where you can add/remove phases as you see needed based on audience reaction.

The vide quality is pretty good and the explanations are clear enough that you'll be picking up these new moves in no time.

So why the "below standard" rating? Because most of these ""new moves"" "BORROW" heavily from another effect from a well known magician and a DVD that he put out a few years ago. To be fair, Elias gives credit to this other performer but I can't say that he has really created a brand new routine if not more "adapted" moves with some props to other "similar" props. In my view, not enough to call it truly original.


Community questions about Andalusian Challenge

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  • Filip asks: Quick question are the coins altered in any way? If not is there a chance to get the download only? Because I own already a few different sets of coins to perform CCC. Many thanks.

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: Unfortunately not.
  • Jay asks: Are the coins for Andalusian Challenge available singly—possibly from the coin manufacturer? I’d like to buy Challenge and one extra (a fourth) coin… so I could do Charming Chinese Challenge moves as well with the larger Andalusian Chinese coins.

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: These are all the variations of Chinese Coins we sell individually
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