Anglo ESP Deck - Gay Ljungberg - Vanishing Inc. Magic shop

Anglo ESP Deck

Deck of cards by Gay Ljungberg
20.00 In stock.
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Anglo ESP Deck

20.00 usd

Deck of cards by Gay Ljungberg (20.00)

In stock.

This is ESP Deck with Anglo backs in white on black design, printed by Offason of Sweden. The cards are the same high quality as Anglo Poker Ed09.

An ESP Deck consists of 25 symbol cards, originally designed by Dr. Joseph Rhine 1927 to test Extra Sensory Perception at Duke University. ESP Deck, Anglo contains:

  • 25 ESP cards (5 of each: circle, cross, wavy lines, square, star)
  • 25 ESP cards (5 of each: circle, cross, wavy lines, square, star), secretly marked on their backs
  • 4 double faced cards(force card: circle).

Probably the best ESP Deck in the world...

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Customer reviews for Anglo ESP Deck



The perfect ESP deck! With all of the combinations of cards (marked and unmarked) there are countless possibilities! The marks are subtle but easily read in all performance environments, I.e. lighting , distance etc! If you take the time to create the right patter for your performance (and not just say “look how I can match your face down card with mine” lol) you will have a mind blowing effect! Do the homework on past Scientific ESP tests and incorporate those notes into your performance. It’s makes it sooooo much more powerful and enjoyable for your audience! Just a few thoughts from an old school professional magician/mentalist! Ted Martin



I'm a longtime amateur with (very) average skills. This deck is very well made and handles easily. I think it's made to last. Basically, it works as advertised and in my opinion is reasonably priced. There are any number of ways one can use this in impromptu casual settings, and there are many routines available out there to broaden one's presentation. Glad I bought this and would definitely buy it again. Cheers - T????


Community questions about Anglo ESP Deck

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  • Rob asks: Hello, does this set include any routines?

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: It does not.
  • John asks: Are there double backers available that match this deck?

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    • Christopher asks: Do these cards handle easily? Meaning: when you slide over the top card, do other cards under it also move over?

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