Black Widow - Darryl Vanamburg - Vanishing Inc. Magic shop

Black Widow

Video by Darryl Vanamburg
250.00 Possibly discontinued.
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Black Widow

250.00 usd

Video by Darryl Vanamburg (250.00)

Possibly discontinued.
Email me if it becomes available again.

A quick story: One of our finest close-up artists was at a party doing his award winning sleight of hand. He had just performed a stunning sequence of coin vanishes. When one of our Black Widow testers was invited to perform. He did one of the "beginner" black widow effects on a spectator's hand. The spectator, in all seriousness, asked if the sleight of hand artist was a "student" of our guy with the Black Widow.

The Black Widow was designed to do one thing very very well. It does this one thing better than any other device or sleight of hand technique currently available.

This one thing will let you experience how it feels to effortlessly create perfect miracles.

So here's the one thing:

The Black Widow enables you to invisibly exchange objects on a spectator’s hand...simply by waving your empty hands over the spectator's hand!

Your hands are absolutely 100% empty immediately before and after the effect. There are no ditching, palming or extra finger movements. Just a simple wave of your empty hands and the magic happens...right on the spectators open hand!

Seems impossible? Go to www. And watch the demo. A spectator's dollar turns into a hundred, a bit of balled up foil becomes a real chocolate kiss, a coin bends, a torn match is restored. And on and on and on. You can do all this and endlessly more. On the spectator's on hand, with both of your hands completely 100% empty before and after each effect.

Another Quick story: one of our Black Widow testers walked into a magic shop...where the local gang was showing off their stuff. Our guy did one of the
Black Widow effects on the owner’s hand. Stunned silence from all. The owner was prepared to pay any price to do what our Black Widow guy just did. One of the other magic shop guys followed our Black Widow tester out the door to see if he could do some kind of work trade out in exchange for the secret.

Now here's your free Black Widow lesson: what follows is the basic actions for creating a perfect miracle on your spectator's hand.

Step 1: place the object onto your spectator's hand.
Step 2: show both of your hands completely empty on both sides. If desired let someone examine your hands.
Step 3: move your empty hands over the spectator's hand and make a magical gesture.
Step 4: immediately moves your empty hands away from the spectator's hand to reveal the miracle.

End of lesson.

The Black Widow's creator, Darryl Vanamburg, has spent nearly two years perfecting this device...with Paul Harris relentlessly pushing to make it absolute flawless in every possible way:

  • The Black Widow is a sleek, compact, mechanical device that can be comfortably worn through out the day under your jacket, long sleeved shirt or sweatshirt.
  • The 30 second set up is very simple, with a just a single organic anchor point.
  • Incredibly easy to operate. Just move your empty hand forward and back.
  • Instantly resets. It’s always ready to go.
  • Can also be used to vanish and produce objects on a spectator’s hand.
  • Also includes effects using playing cards, business cards, and a driver’s license.

The Black Widow is elegantly constructed with the very best materials. Beautifully engineered by Roy Kueppers, and designed to last a very very long time.

Comes complete with Black Widow device and instructional DVD.


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