Close-up Cardiographic - Martin Lewis - Vanishing Inc. Magic shop

Close-up Cardiographic

Trick by Martin Lewis
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Close-up Cardiographic

75.00 usd

Trick by Martin Lewis (75.00)

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Close-up Cardiographic - magic
Close-up Cardiographic Close-up Cardiographic Close-up Cardiographic Close-up Cardiographic Close-up Cardiographic Close-up Cardiographic

"I have always wanted to present a close-up version of Cardiographic but have been unable to create my dream pad until recent advances in material technology made it possible.
"My criteria was simple, I wanted a pad that would comfortably fit in my pocket. That could be done surrounded under the closest scrutiny. It had to be self-contained and needed a fast reset for strolling, and most important of all, it had to look impossible."

With Close-up Cardiographic, Martin has taken his classic sketchpad Rising Card to the next level. The effect is the same as Cardiographic, but built for close-up performances; a drawing of a selected card rises from a drawing of a deck of cards. The resulting impossible object is handed out as a souvenir.

  • The brand new super-clean method is self-contained and angle-proof.
  • The audience sees you draw on the pad prior to the card rising.
  • Fast reset for restaurant or strolling.
  • Includes 50 giveaway pages.
  • Made in America and built to last.
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Customer reviews for Close-up Cardiographic



Perfection. Once you master the
Rise speed it is smooth as silk. I do walk around with 35 minutes of packet tricks in my wallet. A deck of marked strippers and my new Cardiographjc close up a Svenpad I’m all set. Brilliant.
Alex Benderoth aka Mystic Mick



Close-up Cardiograpic is a excellent product perfect for walk-a-round (strolling magic). I love it and it has not failed me. They provide everything you need and then some.



Amazing times three trillion infinity. So powerful! Worth 5x the price!



Easy to do, literally could perform minutes after watching video. Got a very strong reaction from spectators. (Even if they think they have some idea how it's done, tearing out the paper with the card on it and giving out as a souvenir puts that to rest.) got a second one to repeat the trick with a different card. Trick is cleverly made even though it may seem overpriced for what you get that helps belay concerns from spectators that it is a magic prop since the note pad seems ordinary and un-gimmicked. worth the money.



Even better than i expected this to be. Very clever, but simple design,
Best to watch the video first,
Comes with refills and the correct sharpie that you will use, this also comes with an easy to follow video, incliding demo, and tutorial, plus some usefull tips that are worth knowing, its very easy to do.


Community questions about Close-up Cardiographic

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  • joseph asks: after you go through the 50 give aways... do you have to buy a new notebook from you.... or can you make your own? Just wondering replacement costs. thanks

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: We do sell refills:
  • Dustin asks: Can you make it for any card or is it only 1 option ?

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: You cannot customise the card, I am afraid.
    • 2. SGKYDUYEN answers: It's only one card, and you can choose by click "Select option & add to cart" button
  • Sean asks: Any sleight of hand involved, or more "self working" ?

    • 1. Elimelech answers: There is minimal sleight of hand, i.e. a card force. But to be fair, there are plenty of sleight free forces.
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  • Chris asks: Is the 3D black and white while the 7D and 9H are red?

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    • Neill asks: Because you have to draw the box on the presentation page it gets very grubby quite quickly. (Quickly being 20+ presentations). Although it is a wet wipe off it never gets fully clean. Do you have a recommended cleaning fluid to try and restore the page to its best?

      • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: You can use a warm washcloth with some dish soap. You can also use whiteboard cleaner too. While it's not the same material as a whiteboard, the solution should do the trick.
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