Cloud Money
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A dollar bill floats out of your hand, and dances in mid-air - left and right, up and down. Finally it floats straight up, above your head. This "floating bill" effect is both effective and easy-to-do. The clever gimmick has been designed to enable you to take a bill from any country - U.S. dollars, Euros, etc. - and instantly make it float upward from your hands. At any time, you can show the front and back of the bill, and since there are no threads involved, you can perform this virtually anywhere and for any size audience - just inches away from your spectators. This is the ultimate floating bill effect, and it's both easy and fun to perform.
Effect: Show the front and back of a bill. The bill floats upward, away from your hand, into the air! It moves freely in all directions, finally floating up toward your head!
English instructions included.
So this gimmick is more complex then I thought it would be. It's not a pick up the bill and levitate you have two gimmicks that go with each other one must be applied onto the bill and the other with you. Another problem is the bill must be absolutely flat. If it's not flat then the bill would just fall. Honestly this isn't really worth your money there are other better and less complicated methods to levitate money anywhere any time. But the gimmick is still good and with a flat bill it works fine.
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