Dollar to Credit Card 2.0 - Twister Magic - Vanishing Inc. Magic shop

Dollar to Credit Card 2.0

Trick by Twister Magic
30.00 In stock.
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Dollar to Credit Card 2.0

30.00 usd

Trick by Twister Magic (30.00)

In stock.

After the great success of the first version, now George Iglesias brings us his newest version!

Dollar to Credit Card 2.0 have been filmed entirely on Full HD with a lot of new features:

You will learn amazing new handlings and switches for this trick, including contributions to this effect by Gregory Wilson and Daniel Garcia.


Transform a dollar bill into a credit card in a blink of an eye!

Impress your friends! Business clients! Girlfriends!

Use it in your close-up performances, kids magic shows, parlor settings and your stage magic shows!

Perform it in real life situations, at the time of paying the bill at supermarkets, restaurants, movie theaters, airports, etc, etc, etc!

Comes with a real dollar, the gimmick and American Expresso Gold Credit Card.

Comes with an instructional DVD that will guide you step by step in how to perform it.

Very easy to do!

No Sleight of Hand required!

Self contained! Open the Box and perform it right away!

Comes with 3 additional gimmicks to customize your own credit cards.


Customer reviews for Dollar to Credit Card 2.0



If it is one thing I love it is a trick that works and is as described! This is such a trick. Eye-popping, easy to do with just a short time of familiarizing yourself with the moves. There is nothing difficult about this to perform and is well worth the price. I can't imagine anyone being disappointed with this. Get it, you'll love it!


Community questions about Dollar to Credit Card 2.0

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  • phillip asks: Regarding dollar to credit card 2.0 Will work on any currencies ? As our Australian money is plastic and down not fold Look forward to your reply Phill

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    • Danila asks: the set includes a bank card both in the photo and a trick for your own card?

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