Dream Psychometry

Trick by Tenyo Magic
19.95 Possibly discontinued.
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Dream Psychometry

19.95 usd

Trick by Tenyo Magic (19.95)

Possibly discontinued.
Email me if it becomes available again.
Dream Psychometry - magic
Dream Psychometry Dream Psychometry Dream Psychometry Dream Psychometry Dream Psychometry Dream Psychometry

With Dream Psychometry, you'll be able to read the minds of your spectator and guess the things that they deeply desire; your spectator will walk away completely amazed. When a trick combines a clever mathematical principle with devilishly constructed patter and presentation it can become first-rate mental magic. Bring this trick anywhere you go; perform it and amaze your friends. You will be surprised by the spectator's strong reaction.


The magician displays a card with fourteen different items printed on it and asks a spectator to think of one of the items that he strongly desires. Then the magician brings out four different cards all of which have some of the same items printed on them. Without looking at the cards the magician asks the spectator to look and see if the item he's selected is on the cards. The spectator is then asked to concentrate strongly on the item he's chosen. During this time, the magician who never saw the cards, reads the spectator's mind and correctly divines the chosen item.


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