Everest - Pablo Amira - Vanishing Inc. Magic shop


Trick by Pablo Amira
49.95 Possibly discontinued.
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49.95 usd

Trick by Pablo Amira (49.95)

Possibly discontinued.
Email me if it becomes available again.

Everest by Thaddius Barker is a new method for creating a peek envelope that can be displayed FREELY on both sides.

There is no fumbling, and the peek is a full peek that can happen instantaneously at whatever you feel to be the right moment.

No transparency, no chemicals, no expensive gimmicks, completely self-contained.

The size and color of your envelopes are of course customizable.

Easy to construct and completely functional both for close-up or stage performances.

Included with the video/PDF download is a free bonus: "Piqued", my take on a non-gimmicked peek of a folded business card inside of your wallet.


Customer reviews for Everest



This is a great peek envelope that can be used in so many situations. It is very convincing and good to have with you when you perform.


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