Extreme Flash
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The "Extreme Flash Thumb Tip" by Alan Wong allows you to produce a super-bright burst of light at the push of a button. Produce a brilliant flash from your empty hand, pluck it off a cell phone, and more, with this versatile and invisible electronic flash unit.
This super bright white LED flash is powered by a high capacity lithium rechargeable battery. It was a smash-hit, sellout at the Blackpool Magic Convention.
Comes with the "Extreme Flash Thumb Tip" and PVC carrying case.
WARNING FROM THE CREATOR The white light on the "Extreme Flash" gimmick is extremely bright. Do not point it directly into your eyes or the eyes of a spectator.
This is one of the brightest flash I have used. The trigger mechanism is a micro switch on the out side of the thimb tip making it easy and sure fire to light every time. Worth a little bit of extra money for a week crafted piece of magic. I strongly recommend.
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William asks: How does the "Extreme Flash" compare with the thumb tip flash produced by Marc Antoine (aside from price)? Such as, brightness, power requirements, recharging, etc. Thank you.
Scott asks: How many "shots" can you get from a single charge?
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