Heirloom Wallet (Deluxe) - Vanishing Inc. Magic shop

Heirloom Wallet (Deluxe)

Accessory by Underground Collective, Jamie Badman and Colin Miller
68.00 Out of stock. Email me when new stock arrives.
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Heirloom Wallet (Deluxe)

68.00 usd

Accessory by Underground Collective, Jamie Badman and Colin Miller (68.00)

Out of stock. Email me when new stock arrives.

This wallet which is also known as "The Shogun 11" Wallet, has had a lot of time and effort put into designing and perfecting the multiple out wallet so that it is completely deceptive and absolutely practical for real-world use.

This wallet has been specially designed in dark leather to make performing the effect easier than ever before. And a special built-in feature allows you to show the wallet empty after you remove your prediction, eliminating any doubt in your spectator's mind!

After the phenomenal success of Heirloom, we are very excited about the new companion wallet, which will also come with additional ideas and routines that will enable you to perform a number of high-impact, killer mentalism effects.

Note: the letter or PDF are no longer included with the wallet.


Customer reviews for Heirloom Wallet (Deluxe)



This is literally my normal carry wallet in day to day life. And I only use it for one routine which needs a multiple out for a 50/50 choice. I can't tell you how strong the trick I do with this is... but it's probably the hardest hitting trick I do. It's not visual but giving someone a true 50/50 choice without magicians choice or pateo, is what really makes it mind blowing. It's basically a multiple card prediction with a 50/50 out using the wallet combined with a moving and believable story.

I see this is out of stock, sadly. If it comes back in stock, I'll be picking up another as a backup. With that being said, this is a really well made wallet and I can see it lasting several years if taken care of properly.



This is a very nice wallet. I like that it has a stamp only on one side: this helps me keep track the orientation of the wallet. The quality is great. I am thinking that with a little work, the aces can be introduced also.


Community questions about Heirloom Wallet (Deluxe)

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  • Jim asks: Is there different sizes for the Heirloom wallet. I believe that I own the deluxe version and it's pretty good size. I would like to get one a bit smaller for some packet effects.

    • 1. Matt answers: I'm not aware of different sizes. Sorry!
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