Insider - Marc Oberon - Vanishing Inc. Magic shop


Trick by Marc Oberon
65.00 In stock.
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65.00 usd

Trick by Marc Oberon (65.00)

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Insider - magic
Insider Insider Insider Insider Insider Insider

"This is to the point, natural and 100% sure fire" Colin McLeod

5 peek techniques to cover EVERY SITUATION

Peek & re-peek without suspicion

Innocent looking gimmick, hides in plain sight and is built to last.

Insider resets instantly and works in ALL lighting conditions.

Ready to use immediately, no arts and crafts.

Includes 90 minutes of video instructions; explaining 8 Insider routines, mentalism psychology and performance subtleties.

"If you want to read minds reliably, you need this. It's very rare that I'm left kicking myself thinking, "I wish I'd thought of that." But as soon as Marc shared the workings of this device, I immediately realized he's solved decades of problems with a classic method. He's re-engineered this principle to ensure it's more deceptive and invisible than ever before. If you want a reliable method for learning information in the real world - close up or on stage, then you've found it. My main piece of advice?... Get two." Colin McLeod

Affordable refills for "Insider" are available.


Customer reviews for Insider



Excellent mentalism product. I absolutely love it and will use it.



You can tell by my pre-purchase comments that I was hesitant. I thought the video didn’t really show the gimmick in action and couldn’t get a sense of the routine other than holding index cards. Well…I couldn’t have been more wrong. It’s simply just that covert and gives a whole new meaning to the words “hidden in plain sight”. Very pleased! Just to have two, I’ll likely buy another though by the build it appears that it will last a very long time.



As with all Marc Oberon products this one is is comparable in excellence. A revolutionary solution to an age old utility. Highly recommend.



This is a decent peek device, but has some downsides.

Several times the peak was written in the wrong spot and I was not able to get it.

The handling included is not my favorite, which is true of most of Oberon’s material, but with a little adjustment it’s great.

Keeping the device clean is pretty important. As it is white, it collects a lot of dirt.

Overall, it is a good option. Personally, I will stick with wallets like the telethought.


Community questions about Insider

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  • Tom asks: The product looks intriguing and useful but I have a few questions that I feel need addressed before pre-ordering or purchasing: 1. The trailer appears to fall pretty short of really showing the product in use. All the video does is show him doing the 'verbal reveal' and the spectator being amazed. You never see him ever, w using the product...just holding it. There's no show of the actual routine so you don't get a chance to see how this can fit into your own context. Can we get some extra information here, written or otherwise? 2. Because they don't show any routine here, is the card that the spectator writes on always placed back into the rubber-banded pack? Or is this not necessary? 3. Do you end up having to purchase refills? If so will this be offered? Once you purchase the product, can you make your own refills if it requires those? Thanks in advance for the help.

    • 1. Alvaro answers: 1-In the trailer he uses the gimmick when he puts the rubber band. (the gimmick hides in plain sight all the time, When you see the 'pack' you are seeing the gimmick). 2-Yes you need the card placed back into the 'pack'. 3-The gimmick will last a long time (hopefully) I think the only refills you will need will be the index cards that the spectator writes on. (if you can find that style of index cards just to blend with the gimmick,I don't think you need refills).
    • 2. Tom answers: Thanks Alvaro! Yeah, I knew that the pack was essentially the gimmick. I just would have liked to have seen him use this in a somewhat of a full routine. Just putting the rubber band on or showing cards with writing on them seemed to fall short of that. Thanks for the input, though, on any need for refills etc. Appreciate it!
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  • Jan Vraagaard asks: 1) How many index cards does Insider come with? 2)Where can I buy refills of the same type of index cards (size and pattern)

    • 1. Tom answers: I looked at Staples yesterday and couldn't find anything like this. Not sure if these are available in the states, then or just not at Staples (in-store). Maybe suggestions on where to find this kind of unique index card would be helpful.
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  • Tom asks: Can you give the dimensions of this pack of index cards? With the questions surrounding the need for refills or to aid in disguising the gimmick with additional cards etc, it would be helpful to know what type of index card to look for online etc. From research, it appears they are size A7 index cards (3inch x 2.5 inch). Can you confirm?

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: Unfortunately we don't know which index cards your would need but there will be refills available soon.
  • Tom asks: I did order this ( and another item) on 4/30 because it stated at the top that it ships on that date. However I’ve not gotten any verification so far that it/they shipped. Are they still on track for shipping this out? Is it still in pre-order status due to complications? Thanks as always.

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: Questions of this nature should be directed to:
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