What are Magic Loops?
Loops are invisible elastic thread (IET). Invented by the astonishing Finn Jon and brought to a wider audience by Yigal Mesika. Made famous by TV magicians Blaine, Dynamo and Cyril to name but three.
What can you do with Magic Loops?
Animate, move and float borrowed objects. Borrowed bills can be made to levitate. You can perform a Haunted Deck with a borrowed, regular deck of cards. Float a borrowed ring. Make glasses animate.
Are Magic Loops hard to use?
Simply put, no. It’s incredibly easy to do. There are things you need to learn though like lighting considerations, the maximum weight of the object you can use, just how far you can stretch the loops before it reaches its breaking point and so on. Just like many other magic tricks, the secret and basic operation is easy. But to master Loops you will have to put in some work.
What do you get in the box?
You get eight loops, that are ready to use, looped around a cleverly cut piece of card to make carrying them easy.
What tricks are taught?
In the 20-minute instructional video, you'll learn:
- Haunted Deck
- Animated Fork
- Floating Bill
- Spinning Fork
We’re huge fans of Magic Loops. We’ve put together some extra information about Magic Loops that you can see on the links below.
We’re happy to answer your questions about Loops. Like which is better? Invisible thread or loops? How can you float a bill or make a deck of cards cut itself? And who is Mesika and what’s the history of these amazing elastic magic loops?
Tips For Using Magic Loops
How Do You Get Over The "Wobble"
How To Work Out If The Lighting Is Right For Magic Loops
Common Mistakes People Make When Starting Out With Magic Loops