Midnight Breakfast - The Other Brothers - Vanishing Inc. Magic shop

Midnight Breakfast

Trick by The Other Brothers
25.00 In stock.
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Midnight Breakfast

25.00 usd

Trick by The Other Brothers (25.00)

In stock.
Midnight Breakfast - magic
Midnight Breakfast Midnight Breakfast Midnight Breakfast Midnight Breakfast Midnight Breakfast

Midnight Breakfast is a variation of the "Out to Lunch" principle that requires no rubber bands, no clips and is 100% organic with everyday objects. It's a simple, but effective twist on the classic method.

The Other Brothers teach new and original effects that were not previously possible with existing gimmicks. They also include a strange multi-phase routine, using any currency, involving: a torn and restored bill, magic that happens in the spectator's hands and an object to impossible location.

Midnight Breakfast is an intriguing reworking of a classic.


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  • Louis asks: Applicable to UK currency?

    • 1. SGKYDUYEN answers: It works with UK currency
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  • Dexter Yin asks: Applicable for Malaysia and Singapore currency?

    • 1. SGKYDUYEN answers: This trick works best with paper money. It also works with Vietnam plastic money so I assume it can work with any banknote
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