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Pin by Marc Paul

Trick by Marc Paul
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Pin by Marc Paul

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Trick by Marc Paul (44.95)

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Pin by Marc Paul - magic
Pin by Marc Paul Pin by Marc Paul Pin by Marc Paul Pin by Marc Paul Pin by Marc Paul Pin by Marc Paul

Marc Paul’s Amazing New Peek Envelope

Finally, a beautifully created mentalism envelope that is possible to be freely shown after, before and even during the magic. 

What Can It Do?

A yellow envelope is shown to your audience. It has the letters PIN on the front of it. Beautifully printed. You pull a small card out of the envelope and give it to a member of the audience. They’re asked to make up a four digit PIN and write it on the card.  The card is pushed back into the envelope and the envelope flap is closed. Again, the envelope is shown front and back proving it is opaque. And you’re done. That’s it. You place the envelope away in your pocket and never need it again. It’s that clean. All that’s left is for you to reveal their number. 

This is one of those tricks that allows you to concentrate fully on the presentation as the method is so simple it’s almost self working. 

The effect can be performed on stage, parlour or close up thanks to the colour, size and design of the specially created envelopes. 

You’ll also get specially access to an in-depth video tutorial with Peter Nardi and Marc Paul demonstrating the trick and discussing all the finer points. They share some incredible ideas for routines. 

You’ll be delighted about how clever, but simple Pin is. 

What Do You Get?

  • 2 x specially made PIN envelopes
  • 1 x identical ordinary PIN envelope
  • 30 x PIN cards 
  • Full tutorial video

Refills are available in packs of 50. You’re going to enjoy this so much, it might be a good idea to stock up on some with your order. 


Review Pin by Marc Paul


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  • Felix asks: Hello, is the effect language restricted. So I are on the card inside any instructions for the spectator on English?

    • 1. Jim answers: If the word "PIN" exists in your language, you are set. If not, then, with some arts & crafts DIY work, you should be able to adapt it to your language.
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