Ringo Hanky - Vanishing Inc. Magic shop

Ringo Hanky

Accessory by GRUM HANDCRAFTED and Ari Phllips
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Ringo Hanky

32.95 usd

Accessory by GRUM HANDCRAFTED and Ari Phllips (From $32.95)

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Ringo Hanky - magic
Ringo Hanky Ringo Hanky Ringo Hanky Ringo Hanky Ringo Hanky Ringo Hanky

One of the cleanest, simplest, and most impossible vanishes of a borrowed ring or other small item.

Now available in a new smaller, pocket-sized version!

"Ringo Hanky" by GRUM Handcrafted allows you to easily vanish a borrowed ring for any impossible location routine. No sleight of hand. No awkward handlings. It's basically self-working and they actually feel the moment it vanishes.

"Very nice method." Teller

You borrow a ring, cover it with a handkerchief and allow them to hold it. They feel the ring until the moment it magically vanishes. You then make it reappear in whatever impossible location you'd like.

This is the same amazing creation used in the bestselling effect "Babu", which was a complete sellout during Ari Phillips' (Grum Handcrafted's) USA Tour. Now, you can purchase it separately and use it for whatever routine you'd like.

"That's a brilliant method. I know just how I am going to use this!" Dan Harlan

"Oh sh--, you fooled me man. That's awesome! Dan Sperry

"Ringo Hanky" is handcrafted to perfection by Grum Handcrafted. It uses an ingenious method and is incredibly easy to use. Get yours today!

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Community questions about Ringo Hanky

Have a question about this product? It's possible others do too. Ask here and other Vanishing Inc. Magic customers will be able to respond with assistance! Alternatively, email us and we can help too.

  • Anthony asks: So whats the difference between this and say something you can get at Amazon ? I can see quality is better for sure

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: There isn’t much different except the quality is a lot better and this will last a lot longer
  • John asks: Do they have a coin version?

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: Not at the moment.
  • Todd asks: is this red only? One of the pictures shows a different color?

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: We only have the Red on available at the moment
  • Mark asks: What's the difference between the regular size and the pocket size?

    • 1. Vanishing Inc. Magic responds: Just the size of the silk
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