Romero Box - Antonio Romero - Vanishing Inc. Magic shop

Romero Box

Trick by Antonio Romero
60.00 Possibly discontinued.
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Romero Box

60.00 usd

Trick by Antonio Romero (60.00)

Possibly discontinued.
Email me if it becomes available again.

A change box inside a card case! Imagine the possibilities. Its clean and simple workings will open the doors to hundreds of effects. You will find new and powerful solutions for the tricks in your repertoire. Lastly, as an innocent-looking object. The box appears to be out of play and allows you to get rid of a gimmick after its use, such as switching gimmicked cards for regular ones.

Extremely useful for card magic, mentalism, and close-up magic.

Easy to handle.

Hundreds of possible effects.

May be used with coins, banknotes, business cards, and other objects.

Case especially designed for durability.

The Romero Box opens the doors to direct and clean effects with a minimum of handling. A simplicity attained through clever, thoughtful, and thorough engineering.

Huge success in Europe!


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